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3500 Hoaks News Produced a Day by Social Media


CIDISS. Social Media is the gateway to information that is unstoppable, people can express opinions and ideas that can be quickly spread throughout the country, the news that can be produced can be positive if the news presented is real and according to the facts, there is also news which is spread but not supported by accurate facts and data, or what is often called hoaks news, hoaks news in cyberspace is a frightening trend for all parties who are the object of the news.

The head of the DPD for the Nasdem party in the field of media and public communication Willy Aditya said hoaks are currently being distributed more widely through closed group groups such as Whatsapp, Telegram, and Line groups. The distribution through the group according to him was very effective in influencing the election period, as happened in India one of the ruling parties in India made thousands of groups on Whatsapp to influence the public for the sake of the election.

Head of the Multimedia Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Budi Setiawan, said that the latest data from the Multimedia Public Relations Division of the National Police Monitored 3500 hoax news published in a day. “Actually there are quite a lot of thousands of data even a day. in discussion in the CIkini area. (22/9). Budi stressed that his party had carried out inherent supervision of social media.

According to this one-star general, many people are misusing social media, so this is a threat to social media users in Indonesia, because it can be a spreader of hatred on one of the objects reported. “We do socialization and understanding what hoaks are and hoaxes, many netizens who want to quickly exist and become number one and know best, he did not digest first and learn the consequences, therefore joint participation.” Added Budi Setiawan.

By: Rikky, S *)

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