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The New Members and Abu Wardah Group

terrorist acts in eastern Indonesia
terrorist acts in eastern Indonesia

By: Awan Samudera *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Recent terrorist problems intensified. Like a snowball that progressively enlarged, terrorist groups are also more incentive to recruit new members. Terrorism cases currently rife in Indonesia, and it concerns all people. As Santoso alias Abu Wardah group that is currently guerilla in the Poso’s jungle and conduct terror in the name of Islam in Poso and surrounding areas.

A terrorist group led by Santoso alias Abu Wardah named itself the Mujahidin Indonesia East (MIT) which is affiliated to the Islamic State (IS / ISIS). The group often conduct military exercises in Poso’s jungle and conduct acts of terror in Poso and surrounding areas. Their goal is equal to IS, which create an Islamic state in fighting the government ansorut (unbelievers), and the most dangerous person in the group is Santoso alias Abu Wardah who became the leader of MIT. But who would have thought the MIT group leader is a vegetable seller in Tentena’s market, Poso district.

In 2012 ago, Santoso alias Abu Wardah is a vegetable seller in Tentena’s market, Poso, and who would have thought now Santoso alias Abu Wardah is fugitive terrorist leader and the number one most wanted by Indonesian security forces. According to Reverend Damanik, Santoso alias Abu Wardah is a friendly person and easy to get along, so he’s easy to make friends, even Santoso alias Abu Wardah once approached the residence of Rev. Damanik in Tentena. Currently, Santoso alias Abu Wardah hiding and continue guerrilla with 26 other people. All 26 members are from Poso, Bima (NTB), Java, and none from the Uighur refugees. Overall members are armed and trained to use it.

Santoso alias Abu Wardah and his group (MIT) was last seen doing shoot exercises using a rifle in the Poso’s jungle. It is known through a videotape found by security forces after the arrest of one member Santoso alias Abu Wardah March 2016 ago. Currently the MIT group was split into two groups, due to choking by the movement Indonesian security forces who seek them through Tinombala Operation. In addition, the state of the MIT group is also a shortage of logistics, are like food. It is known after the discovery of two members of the MIT left by Santoso alias Abu Wardah was weak and very hungry.

Who would have thought of a vegetable seller is now a fugitive terrorist number one in Indonesia, who would have thought of the people were friendly now become cruel and can kill people who are innocent, simply because of differences in the understanding of religion. Santoso alias Abu Wardah and his group is a terrorist that enemy of the Indonesian people, they have damaged the diversity of Indonesia with religious issues they create. Islam is not a religion of terrorism, Islam is not a religion that spread fear for society, but Islam is a religion that is a benefit to the entire community. MIT along Santoso alias Abu Wardah as its leader should be arrested and given proper punishment under the applicable law in Indonesia. [AS]

*) CIDISS Contributor

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