After KAA, Central Kalimantan Must be Rise up

By: Fuad *)
Kalteng, CIDISS – After Asian Africa Conference, Indonesia, especially Central Kalimantan Province must take spirit of Asian Africa Conference which has been holding since 60 years ago. The main results of international meeting are about freedom, justice and peace.
Hamdhani, member of house of representative from Central Kalimantan, like quote in Boneo News, Tuesday (28/4/2015), said that Indonesia, especially Central Kalimantan must be raise up and chase their left behind to other province in Indonesia.
“We have to fill momentum of freedom, justice and peace as result of struggle. Indonesia, especially Central Kalimantan must be raise up and chase their left behind to other province in Indonesia,” said Hamdhani.
Previous, Hamdhani is also member of Badan Kerja Sama Antar Parlemen (BKSAP) DPR, speech on second section of Asian Africa Parliamentary Conference to Commerate the 60th Asian African Conference with theme New Asian African Strategic Partnership (NAASP): The Way Forward, in site Parliament, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (23/4/2015).
In that agenda as part of agenda the 60 Asian Africa Conference 2015, Hamdhani said, countries in Asian and Africa has same thought, which is against imperialism, colonialism, and western. It was because a million people of Asian and African become victim of despicable of western countries.
Hamdhani also explained, now, Asian and African people have get freedom from western after long year they get discrimination and injustice. But, he who is member of committee IV DPR asked question, do it mean Asian African people freedom from Imperialism?
“Asian Africa area has suffered because of Human Right violation. Our challenge is, we face against to terrorism and imperialism,” said Him.
*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributor