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Ahead Of Eid Al-Adha Chili Prices Began Experiencing Rebound In Kendari

Ahead Of Eid Al-Adha Chili Prices Began Experiencing Rebound In Kendari
Ahead Of Eid Al-Adha Chili Prices Began Experiencing Rebound In Kendari

By : Syaiful*)

Ahead of Eid al-Adha chili prices in Kendari, Sulawesi Landmarks (Southeast Sulawesi), began experiencing rebound. This is shown by the price that has penetrated Rp 45 thousand / kg previously Rp 40 thousand / kg. Head of Trade Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives (Disperindagkop) Kendari, Ida Rianti said the price increase is due to two things chili. The first cause, lack of stock chillies supplied in Kendari, causing the market price to rise.

“Secondly, due to the current weather is very hot makes chili damaged and poorly supplied to the market,”. Price hikes on the chili, it will continue to monitor market. Do not get due to this price increase will lead to hoarding at the merchant level.

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributor


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