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Appreciate the Government’s Efforts to Maintain Family Economic Resilience during the Pandemic


By: Alfisyah Dianasari )*

One of the success factors of a family is seen from its economy. However, since the corona storm attack, the financial situation of many people has declined because many companies have cut employee salaries. The government tries to maintain the economic resilience of families with social assistance programs, PKH, BLT, and others.

In recent months, people’s purchasing power has decreased and it has been very dangerous because it has resulted in the country’s economic growth slowing down. All levels of society have been affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Small traders lose buyers because they prioritize basic needs. The middle and upper classes are confused because the value of their shares has decreased.

To overcome this, the government immediately took action with various programs. First, the provision of social assistance or social assistance in the form of rice and other basic necessities. There is also social assistance in the form of money worth 600,000 rupiah. Initially, social assistance will be given until mid-2020, but will be extended until mid-2021 because the pandemic has not ended.

Private employees (non BUMN and ASN) also receive assistance in the form of money amounting to 600,000 per month, from the government. With the condition, they have a salary of under 5 million rupiah. The President appealed to this money not to be saved or invested, but spent. The goal is to improve people’s purchasing power.

Apart from social assistance, there was also assistance worth 2.4 million rupiah for MSME entrepreneurs. The money is for additional capital, so they can start a business again, which has been suspended animation. President Jokowi said that the assistance was to buy merchandise and increase the variety. Don’t even buy a cellphone or other consumer goods.

There are also pre-employment cards that extend to the 10th batch. Later, cardholders will receive assistance worth 600,000 rupiah per month. The money is obtained after they pass the skill improvement program. Among them are copy writing and marketing. So the government not only provides the fish but also the hook, aka wants the community to improve their skills.

Various assistance from the government should be appreciated because they can improve the family economy. When the father loses his job, he can sign up for a pre-employment card and earn a fair amount of money. Most importantly, the skills from the program can be used as capital to open your own business. So that they are independent and even employ other people.

Bansos in the form of rice can also be enjoyed directly by families, because it is a basic need of Indonesians. Moreover, the social assistance package does not only contain rice, but also cooking oil, instant noodles, and others. So that it is estimated to be sufficient for kitchen needs for several weeks. Housewives can save expenses.

MSME entrepreneurs have also received attention because they are the backbone of the economy in Indonesia, because the majority of trade is carried out by small and middle class business people. The assistance provided was not only for money but also assistance from the government. So that they are increasingly adept at selling and mastering the science of marketing.

With so much assistance from the government, it is hoped that people’s purchasing power will increase again. That way, the country’s economy will also increase and Indonesia can survive the terrible recession. The stimulus provided by the government uses APBN funds and does not harm the state, because it benefits the people.

This assistance is also distributed evenly to all Indonesian people. The administration is also supervised by the authorities, so as to minimize the occurrence of fraud. If it is proven that there was circumcision of aid by an official in the village, he could immediately be sanctioned.

The government pays attention to its people and provides a lot of assistance, from BLT to pre-employment cards. The goal is for the community to prosper again and have a physically and psychologically healthy family. Because they are no longer stressed thinking about where to spend their money tomorrow.

)* The author is a citizen living in Depok

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