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Appreciating Government Strategy to Deal with Corona Virus


By: Edi Jatmiko )*

Anticipatory steps taken by the government are considered by many to be quite optimal, so they should be appreciated. Countermeasures are carried out starting from the issuance of health protocols, improvement of health facilities, health checks at the entrance of the country, to the formation of the Corona Virus Handling Task Force.

Emergency Corona seems to have arrived in Indonesia. The virus that blindly attacks humans to cause death is indeed very unsettling. The virus that has made his hometown of Wuhan seem like a dead city after the virus spread. The virus that is claimed to attack the immune system has quite unique facts. Because this virus will only attack individuals with poor health. Thus, efforts to increase immunity are now being promoted. Including by the government.

Previously, President Joko Widodo said that the government was ready to face the positive case of corona (Covid-19) in the archipelago. In fact, the government has been preparing for this step since the beginning of the corona case being spread.

One of the preparations made by the government, among others, is to provide at least 100 hospitals equipped with isolation rooms for special infectious disease patients. With good insulation standards and adequate equipment and international standards. Also has preparations for Reagents.

In addition, the government also formed a joint team of TNI-Polri and civilian members who were ready to assist in the main handling in the field. Jokowi also detailed if he had carried out anticipatory procedures according to the standards of the world health agency, WHO.

The state also maintains up to 135 entrances both land, sea and air tightly. Although he admitted in its application it was not easy. However, the government always tries.

Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo has also reportedly signed the Presidential Decree (Kepres) No. 7 of 2020 regarding the CoronaVirus Desease 2019 (COVID-19) Handling Task Force.

In the contents of the Presidential Decree, the Chairperson of the Task Force was handed over to the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Doni Monardo. Meanwhile, as the deputy chairman, was handed over to the TNI Operations Assistant and also the National Police Operations Assistant.

While several ministers, such as Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto, Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security Mahfud MD and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, in the sovereign became the director.

This Task Force is planned to have five tasks which have been bluffed in the Presidential Decree. The five tasks are: 1. Increasing national resilience, especially in the health sector, 2. Accelerating the process of handling COVID-19 through synergies between the Ministry of Institutions and also local governments, 3. Increasing anticipation related to the development of escalation in the spread of COVID-19 4. Increasing synergy in the process operational policy making and finally no 5. Namely, Increasing readiness along with the ability to prevent, detect, and respond to COVID-19.

Doni is directed to provide direct reports on a daily scale to Jokowi, and must report if there is an urgent event. In addition, the regional head was also asked to make a Regional Level COVID-19 Handling Task Force, in accordance with the direction of the head of the central Task Force. With regard to the budget that will be dropped from the state budget, regional budget, as well as other legal and non-binding sources that are in accordance with statutory regulations.

This panic of the community is certainly reasonable, given the number of reports of victims exposed to death. Although isolation efforts have been made, it is possible that the patient will recover. From the facts above the question arises of what kind of virus this can cause patients to die in a matter of hours.

Yet other facts are also found that this virus will die in hot temperatures and difficult to live in tropical regions like Indonesia. Although there should be only a few. However, not to underestimate the fact that the government is serious in handling this deadly virus. Preparing medical devices to the isolation room, dismissing schools to guarding the entrance of the regions as well as the regions.

Although it is not an easy matter, the government continues to work to tackle the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The handling procedures are in accordance with the World Health Organization, WHO. This can be seen from the number of rapid response reports related to the Corona virus so that all can be addressed as soon as possible and avoid widespread virus expansion. On the other hand, the role of the community is also very important. Bearing in mind, this anticipation independently is very necessary. The point is maintaining personal and family hygiene. If you are healthy and have good immunity, any virus will not be able to attack, including Corona.

)* The writer is a citizen living in Semarang

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