Assessing Bloomberg News mentioned Jokowi as The Best Asian Pacific Leader

By: Moch. Irfandi )*
Many unknown persons argue that the Bloomberg news as the mainstream media which mentioned “Jokowi, Best Asia Pacific Leader” is a hoax because Bloomberg is never stated like that. Do you believe with that pessimistic opinion? Let’s look together the data description below.
In the Bloomberg news, there is no conclusion that the best in Asia Jokowi Australia. Bloomberg just talking about how the leaders of Asia Australia faced in 2016, what they do and challenges in 2017.
Bloomberg uses three indicators to discuss peforma Asian leaders Australia. Ie exchange rates, GDP or economic growth and the level of public acceptance or support. Of all the leaders discussed Bloomberg, Jokowi only one who has a positive value in the three indicators.
Rupiah gained 2.41%, 5.02% positive GDP and public support is also very high 69%, higher than the 2014 presidential election vote totals were only 53%.
While other leaders such as Japan, the only currency that is positive 2.25%, while the GDP of 0.9% red and 50% declining public support. China is more severe, the currency -6.63% with GDP stagnating. India, its currency is negative, its GDP fell stagnant and public support. South Korea’s worse, all downhill. Australia minus its currency and declining public support, only the GDP rose 1.8%. While Malaysia is the currency plummeted, -4.26%. Only the Philippines were positive 7.1% of GDP and public support is very high 83%, but the currency is still quite high minus, -5.29.
Only Indonesia, under President Jokowi, all currency indicator, GDP and continued to strengthen public support and positive. That is, if it is concluded that the best Jokowi Asia Australia, it is correct. That there is not a sentence or statement Bloomberg “Jokowi the Best Leader” it still can not be faulted conclusions media in Indonesia and the people who love this country. The reality is not that so?
Trying to contemplate, if Jokowi is not the best leader in Asia Jokowi Australia by three indicators discussed Bloomberg, who? Malaysia? Philippines? Japan? China? Japan? Simply put, Bloomberg provides data based on the ranking of currency movements, GDP, and Public Support.
So, still impugn if President Jokowi is the leader of the Asia Pacific region’s in 2016?
)* Economy Observer from LSISI