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Awareness of Implementing Health Protocols in the Era of Adaptation to New Habits


The role of the younger generation is considered to have a central role in changing adaptive behavior to new habits in accordance with recommended health protocols in order to break the chain of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19.
Currently, in the midst of the corona virus pandemic, there is still a campaign for clean and healthy living habits (PHBS), as well as all recommended health protocols that need to be encouraged.
What has not been done, how to strengthen the body’s resistance, from within the body and soul of the individual. There the awareness protocol relates to the joint resistance movement strategy
the most important thing is to cultivate self-awareness. Maintain a healthy body with behavior and quality food. It doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s actually much cheaper and easier. Maintain the productivity of immune power, exercise, socialize, work together, make art, have fun, don’t forget to be happy.
So, don’t blame the adaptation to his new habit, but do an evaluation. Have you worn a clean cloth mask when you are outside? Also bring a spare mask because the maximum lifetime is only 4 hours. Always keep your hands clean by using a hand sanitizer or washing your hands under running water and antiseptic soap. Because implementing health protocols properly is an effective way to prevent Covid-19 transmission.
You don’t want this to happen, so always stick to health protocols. Apart from having to be diligent in maintaining hygiene, take part in the swap tests that are often held by the government. Because if the results are positive, they will be treated faster, before it’s too late and even lose their lives because of Covid-19.
Because the covid-19 virus still exists, don’t be careless and underestimate it. In this era of adapting to new habits, we must increase our vigilance and maintain cleanliness. Let’s fight together against the spread of Covid-19 by making the New Habit Adaptation Era successful.
Anwar Zahid, the writer is the Chairman of the Surabaya Regional Literacy Movement

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