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Battle Health Program between Prabowo and Jokowi


By: Ciptaning Larasati )*


A leader must certainly fulfill a good attitude. In addition to being firm, a leader is also highly encouraged by his program in handling cases or vital problems that occur in the community and even the country. Leaders who are able to deal with state problems well, wisely and free from irregularities are certainly the main criteria chosen by the community in general.

Regarding the criteria above, there is intense news in the community about the number 2 presidential candidate regarding his attitude which is apathetic towards health issues. In fact, these health problems need to be dealt with seriously. Because, until now the existence of the problem has not been resolved either. Starting from service, health costs are quite expensive, and so forth that really need to be addressed. However, it was different from Prabowo who actually seemed ignorant and far from this issue.

Prabowo himself has never heard of active news in the health sector. In fact, these health problems are considered vital to be dealt with. Considering the many unpleasant events in the world of health that must be addressed, both the system and the process. Because, Indonesia is among the countries left behind compared to other countries in the health sector. supposedly, Prabowo imitated President Jokowi who focused on health problems.

Why health is a matter that really needs to be considered, because health is an important factor that will later build a country. If the population of a country is healthy, other developments will also be well resolved. On the contrary, if a population country experiences many health cases such as the outbreak of an outbreak that threatens and threatens life, then certainly many other development sectors are abandoned.

Therefore, if Indonesia wants to move forward, it should promote good health programs. Starting from the leader who respects the existing health problems. Because, healthy is the basic right of every citizen as stipulated in the Indonesian constitution.

Regarding leadership that should be responsive to health issues is considered very important, this is a fact about health in Indonesia which still needs serious handling. An example is a case of malnutrition in Indonesia. We, as citizens who are experienced and literate, certainly cannot just close our eyes to this case. Many in the interior there our brothers still have problems with malnutrition. This is considered due to uneven economic distribution.

Bad nutrition is not the only health problem that is happening in Indonesia, the good thing is that this case is immediately handled by President Jokowi. In addition to malnutrition, the epidemiological transition that comes from two directions, namely infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases also becomes a problem. Examples of cases of infectious diseases that must be immediately combated are dengue fever, tuberculosis, malaria, intestinal worms and many more.

Non-communicable diseases such as cancer, kidney stroke from year to year the number also increases. This also needs attention from the government. However, if the government is led by people who are apathetic about health cases, will this health problem be resolved and resolved?

President Jokowi, who is very concerned about this issue, still needs to improve it even though his efforts are maximized. Because, the natural conditions and patterns of life of our society are now gradually changing. So, handling health must also be able to follow the changes. Not limited to pursuing an old case, but must be prepared to ward off cases of disease that are likely to arise by implementing various prevention measures.

From the cases above, it is clearly proven that we need leaders who care about this problem. If not, then the people will be unlucky. Because the disease does not know who and what. Disease is not only infecting moneyed people, but also the people who suffer from severe illnesses. What is known to be serious illness requires a high cost to cure it. On this issue, of course a leader must be responsive in giving policies. How can a leader be able to provide assistance to those who are in the fight against the disease.

If Prabowo allegedly was very ignorant and distant about this health problem, then Prabowo was threatened not to be elected in the upcoming presidential election. Because, people will side with leaders who care about the health of their people. Jokowi is different from what has been proven to provide access for poor families in medical treatment and services. They were given various health insurance and health care. So that it was proven in his leadership years that health problems in Indonesia were resolved quite well.

Leaders who care like that, who will later bring Indonesia healthy. Realizing a healthy generation and healthy personality. Because, in a healthy body there is a strong soul. It is this proverb that establishes us to always live a healthy life.


)* The author is a health observer

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