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Be aware of the Radical Movement in Indonesia


By: Edi Jatmiko )*

Radicalism is still a concern that needs to be anticipated by the public and the Government. The reason is that the Anti-Pancasila ideology is capable of triggering acts of violence and even terror, so that it can lead to national disintegration.

The problem of radicalism in Indonesia is a problem of nationalism which has now eroded. There are 3 stages of the doctrine of radicalism. It started from Faith, continued to Hijrah and culminated in Jihad.

The stage of jihad is the last stage that makes a person radical. That is because in this stage there are principles for fighting infidels, both through words and deeds.

Prof. Mark Woodward of Arizona State University said that as an ideology, radicalism is very possible to grow anywhere, including religion. In fact, even within the same religion it is very possible that different streams emerge, some support pluralism and some tend to be radical.

Meanwhile Deputy V Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani acknowledged that the problem of radicalism in Indonesia had begun to increase in the last 10 years.

He said he considered, during the last 10 years the alarm of the existence of radicalism in Indonesia had actually sounded. Including when Indonesia is conducting an election agenda and the decline in the quality of tolerance in Indonesia.

Last year’s general election was filled with identity politics, even when a group of people said that it was forbidden to choose one of the candidates. This is certainly one form of politicization of religion.

The results of studies from the Wahid Institute show that around 0.4 percent or around 600,000 Indonesian citizens have carried out radical actions. The data is calculated based on the adult population of around 150 million people. Because it is impossible for children to be involved in radical movements.

It also said that the attitude of intolerance in Indonesia tends to increase from before, from 46% to 54%.

Meanwhile, Professor of the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Azyumardi Azra explained, the radical understanding which considers the most correct understanding has also infiltrated secondary schools through teaching staff.

The results of a survey from the Institute of Islamic Studies and Peace (LaKIP), led by Prof. Dr. Bambang Pranowo, who is also Professor of Islamic Sociology at UIN Jakarta in 2010, showed that nearly 50% of students agreed with radical actions.

The data also showed 25% of students and 21 teachers stated that Pancasila was no longer relevant. While 84.8% of students and 76.2% of teachers agreed with the application of Islamic law in Indonesia.

This certainly cannot be allowed, don’t let radicalism enter schools so that later the school graduates will continue to take root to the generations below them.

This fact is certainly a challenge in itself, so that the teaching staff and the Ministry of Education must have a strategy in providing understanding to students that Indonesia is a nation that has diversity and it is a gift for Indonesia.

The Four Pillars of the MPR should also be re-socialized in order to remind and refresh the commitment of all components of the nation. That way, the implementation and implementation of national and state life.

On different occasions, Manado State Polytechnic Lecturer Hery Wensen and Principal of Inpres Pinaras Elementary School in South Tomohon District, Sjadrie Pengemanan, suggested that Pancasila be used as a subject from early to university.

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim has also responded positively to the discourse related to Pancasila Education so that it will be re-included in the subjects.

This is certainly worth guarding and supporting because it involves the character of the next generation, especially the future of the unity of the nation and state of Indonesia.

Radicalism is a concept that wants to change the basis and ideology of the state by breaking the rules, then damaging the new generation of thinking. Both Muslims or Muslims are not, if carrying out acts of terror can certainly be called radical.

The Director General of Islamic Education has now made a circular to the chancellors of tertiary institutions to create a study center that aims to make moderation efforts in religion. A religious climate that is tolerant, moderate, peaceful and inclusive must be developed primarily to understand diversity.

One of the most likely things to do is, teach students, students or students about diversity and diversity, in addition to instilling the value of tolerance towards fellow Indonesian citizens.

)* The author is a social political observer

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