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Be aware of the Spreading Radicalism Among ASN


By: Rizal Arifin

As the glue and unifier of the nation, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is required to have a common vision with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution and other national guidelines. The alignment of these goals is the initial capital to realize the achievement of the vision of a developed Indonesia. Therefore, ASN is not justified to adopt an understanding that is contrary to the Pancasila Ideology.

The government, through various stakeholders, intensively promotes and promotes ASN to uphold the Pancasila Ideology and noble national values. These efforts were made to prevent the potential for outbreak of radical understanding among ASNs. ASN as the implementer of public policy is very dangerous if it adopts radicalism. Disruption to the threat of the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia will be further strengthened by the presence of ASNs exposed to radical understanding. Loyalty to the foundations of the country and the noble spirit of Indonesianness are non-negotiable and must be upheld by state employees.
Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi stressed ASN must love and be loyal to the motherland and Pancasila. The Minister of Religion also asked ASN to have a common view and attitude in loving the Republic of Indonesia. In line with this, the Minister of Home Affairs views that comprehensive surveillance efforts are needed to suppress radicalism. Strengthening data collection on residents who live in an area is needed.

ASN is a country ambassador who blends directly with the community in daily life. His movements, words, and actions are role models for the surrounding community. So it is very risky if ASN which is supposed to be the front guard against radicalism is even exposed to radical understanding.
The Ministry of Home Affairs appealed to ASN not to be exposed to radicalism and would fire if it proved to be disloyal to Pancasila. The decisive action must be supported by all parties to fight the spread of radicalism, especially among the ASN.
PBNU Chair Said Aqil Siradj requested that the government crack down on radicalism. So there should be no impression of the state losing in facing terrorism. Radical understanding clearly wants the Pancasila to be revised, this will certainly be dangerous if there are internal civil servants who are still reluctant to respect Red and White and are not willing to sing the Indonesia Raya song.
If this has happened, then the relevant government such as the BNPT must prepare a formula to combat radicalism in the ASN environment, such as counter radicalization, for example, where we prepare the resilience of the community in accepting understanding from outside. Understanding that must be anticipated is that which has the potential to influence diversity.

Next is deradicalization, where this program has a function in returning national values ​​to those who are exposed to radicalism.
Control of ASN exposed to radicalism also seems to get support from BNPT and BPIP who have committed to coordinate with each other in identifying the potential of radicalism.
On the other hand, people who want to register for the selection of 2019 civil servant candidates (CPNS) must learn a new thing to answer the questions in the Basic Competency selection stage, this is knowledge about anti-radicalism.
Head of the Bima Haria Wibisana State Staffing Agency (BKN) said this was done to prevent ASN from being exposed to radical understanding.

He already has the desire to include questions relating to anti-radicalism like that. Although the portion of questions about radicalism is only a few and will be included in the SKD in the section on the National Insight Test (TWK).
The latent danger of radicalism, if left unchecked, will easily damage the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation, so that radical ideas should be prevented as early as possible.

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