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Be Wary of Radical Funds Flow to Indonesia


By: Rizal Arifin )*

Radicalism is still a real threat to Indonesia. The government needs to trace the movements of these radical groups, not least the flow of funds that are often used to carry out terror.

The security forces have discovered the flow of funds from radical groups into Indonesia through various methods and made use of technological advances. These tactics need to be watched out together to stem the movement of radical groups and axios of terror in Indonesia.

Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security Mahfud MD said that the flow of funds from terrorist groups no longer uses conventional methods such as transfers to bank accounts of fellow terrorist members. Remittances already take advantage of technological sophistication. One of them entered through investment funds.

One example is through building investment in Indonesia. The building can be used by radical groups as a source of income and a place to spread radical ideas.

The Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency, Komjen Pol Suhardi Alius also stated the same thing. It claims that money transfers between international terrorist networks no longer use transfers between accounts. So it is rather difficult if examined through forexic banking transactions. Suhardi hopes that all parties work together to narrow the space for terrorist funds to enter Indonesia so that acts of terror in Indonesia can be dammed.

BNPT also continues to coordinate with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) to continue to monitor financial activities and investment funds from abroad. The effort is intensified against groups that have a track record affiliated with terrorism and suspicious investment sources.

The head of PPATK, Kiagus Ahmad Badaruddin said that his party often blocked the flow of terrorist funds, especially from the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group. However, not a few are active again with different names. Terrorist camouflage is indeed very diverse to deceive financial transaction audit officers. PPATK believes in being able to block all suspicious and suspected financial activities for terrorist activities.

The mode of money laundering through investment is often done by radical groups. The investment is a source of funding for terror groups and instruments for spreading radicalism. Therefore, all parties are expected to play an active role in narrowing the space for terror groups, especially related to the flow of funds and suspicious investments.

)* The author is an Observer of Social Problems

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