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Be Wary of the Threat of Radicalism on Campus


By: Ahmad Kurniawan )*

Radicalism is a plague to watch out for because it can bring destruction to the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. The target is also targeting the younger generation who are attending college. This is an indication that anyone is not immune from radical understanding, including intellectuals.

What comes to mind when the word radicalism appears? The most difficult is the group, a group of people or even individuals who carry out their actions with extreme actions. However, do you know if this action is very life-threatening, including others. The characteristics of radicalism radicalism is very easily recognized. These actors are generally adherents of ideology who want to be known or known in order to get more support.

To launch a goal that becomes his belief. The characteristics of radicalism include:

1. Radicalism is usually in the form of rejection, evaluation to the opposition with a hard (extreme), which is done continuously to demand a drastic change as he wants.

2. Adherents of radicalism are not half-hearted using violence in realizing their goals.

3. Adherents of radicalism have the assumption that all parties with different views are the guilty people.

Acts of radicalism can actually develop because of the idea that everything must be returned to the concept of religion even though it must use a rigid way and use violence. In addition, economic problems also appeared to play a role in making radicalism understand in a number of countries. The indication is, humans will commit acts of radicalism when they feel pressured. So that it will take any action including terrorizing other human beings.

Another factor is disappointment. This is normal because a number of people think that the country’s leader is not on their side. So that it will cause groups who seem to want to uphold justice. This group can come from the social, religious and political sectors. Unfortunately, it is not justice that wants to be upheld, but rather worsens the atmosphere. In addition, educational factors also influence psychological factors.

According to Inspector General Gatot Eddy Pramono as Metro Jaya Police Chief stated the need to be aware of the spread of radicalism, especially students. He said he considered that Indonesian people were dominated by “low class” in terms of education as well as economics. Where democracy should be a mandate for the people turns out to be manipulated by certain parties to realize their interests.

He added that, the role of students was considered quite large in caring for diversity. This is because the biggest challenges facing the Indonesian nation in the future are the problem of radicalism, terrorism and intolerance that is associated with the rapid development of social media. If the main community of students is not able to manage Social Media wisely, then these deviant notions will easily enter and then influence the younger generation. Therefore, he also appealed and invited all elements of society to maintain diversity, tolerance, unity and unity in order to strengthen the nation.

In addition, diversity which is owned by the Indonesian people which consists of ethnicity, culture, religion, language and others is very vulnerable to intervention by parties who do not like Indonesia to become a big nation. Which is indicated by two kinds of threats, namely external and internal. From external factors, various ways will be launched to paralyze Indonesia. Initially, the possibility of enemies from outside will try to find the big problems facing the nation that they will make objects to be colonized. Even openly conducting a military invasion. Say the religious, ethnic, or ethnic issues they will raise as a conflict on social media. If this method doesn’t work, then they will launch a number of military invasions.

As for internal factors, this is more directed to problems that arise from within the country itself. For example, the choice of democratic paths for national and state life is like the events of 1998. As we know, there have been many demonstrations that have led to chaos in order to voice their aspirations to the government.

This is something to be aware of considering the role of the community, including students, as carriers of vulnerable aspirations infiltrated by radicalism. The implication is the overthrow of governance. Isn’t this really unfortunate?

Therefore, it is necessary to act critically, in order to enhance development for the common welfare. However, radicalism and other extreme ideals must be watched out and also be opposed firmly. Let’s realize unity and unity, so there will be no loopholes for third parties trying to divide the unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

)* The author is a social political observer

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