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Beware of Brutal Action Ahead of OPM Anniversary


By: Rebecca Marian )*

At present, conditions in Papua are relatively safe. However, if we refer to past experiences, the atrocities of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) have often claimed victims both civilians and security forces. The vigilance of OPM’s brutal actions is still needed so that conduciveness in Papua is maintained, especially ahead of the OPM Anniversary which is commemorated every 1 December.

OPM is a separatist group that often commits atrocities against civilians. By 1 December, the people were asked to remain vigilant because Papuan separatist groups often carried out brutal actions to show their existence.

To anticipate the brutal action, the Papua Regional Police also anticipated security ahead of the OPM Anniversary. The Papua Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw, said that he had received information related to a number of groups that would celebrate December 1 with a joint prayer.

Paul said, there are rules that must be met in expressing opinions in public, including in praying together. If it does not follow the applicable rules, then it will dissolve it.

The Papua Regional Police Chief said that his party would take firm action if there were groups who continued to force their will.

He also appealed to the Papuan people not to be provoked by various things that were deliberately raised by certain groups to pit sheep,

However, Previously the Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information Johny G Plate, explained that the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) said the government would not restrict the internet when the OPM would commemorate its anniversary on 1 December.

However, other things will happen if there is chaos, then internet restrictions must be carried out until the situation can be conducive again.

Previously, the Armed Criminal Group, which is a separatist group, also had an irreverent attack on the security forces.

The incident occurred on Monday, August 12, 2019 ago at around 17:30 CET, First Brigadier Heidar was found dead after being held hostage by the KKB Armed Criminal Group in Papua. Previously the deceased had been taken hostage and then killed while trying to escape.

Head of Papua Police Public Relations, Commissioner AM Kamal Pol said, the incident began on Monday afternoon around 11:00 CET. At that time, Brigadier Heidar and Bripka Alfonso were carrying out investigative tasks in the Puncak District area on a motorcycle.

When passing through the village of Usir, Brigadier Heidar was called by his friend who was a local resident so that Bripka Alfonso stopped his vehicle. Brigadier Heidar approached his friend, while Bripka Alfonso waited on the motorbike.

When Brigadier Heidar talked to his friend, suddenly a group of people came and immediately ambushed Brigadier Heidar. Knowing this, Bripka Alfonso immediately reported the incident to the police post in Kago, Puncak Regency.

According to Commissioner Kamal Pol, it has coordinated with the TNI to approach the community leaders in Puncak District.

Kamal also told that before the body of Brigadier Heidar was discovered, the Puncak Regency Government and Puncak Jaya Regional Police had a chance to negotiate with KKB led by Talekgen Lekagak.

We must recognize that the attacks that occurred included disrespectful attacks that occurred in the last few years. This shows an increase in resistance qualitatively from the separatist organization from year to year.

This incident can certainly be crowned as a national crisis, where when the country is struggling to build the Republic of Indonesia from the periphery, there are still groups of people who launch attacks on the authorities and want to separate themselves from the lap of Mother Earth.

The shooting action that has been launched by the KKB has become a serious threat to the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and the course of the infrastructure development program in Papua which is included in the 5 Government Priority Programs.

The OPM Separatist Movement shows that what they are doing is not in line with the ideology of Pancasila, they have proven brave enough to attack fellow Papuans simply because it is not in line with OPM thinking regarding Papuan independence or a referendum. Brutal actions carried out by the OPM group are also intolerable. Ahead of the OPMt Anniversary, of course the security forces need to provide decisive action if the OPM is back acting up.

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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