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Beware of Hoaxes, Bad News Threatening the Success of the 2019 Election


By: Ariffudin Ahsan (Blogger / Driver Gojek in Bandung)

The legislative election and 2019 presidential election will be held next month. However, until now there is still one thing that is very troubling in the community, namely the widespread spread of false news or hoaxes in cyberspace. In 2019, it is undeniable that the candidates for their supporters used social media and digital platforms to win votes in this five-year election.
One of the attitudes that made the candidates and their supporters use hoax news to attract mass sympathy was “Attitude Ready to Win and Not Ready to Lose”. Of course this is very unfortunate because justifying any means to win is not a commendable attitude. So we as dignified Indonesian people must examine every news that spreads through social media to fight against any false information that can damage a person’s reputation.
We also minimize the spread of hoax news by participating in voicing movements rejecting hoaxes. If you have to deal with actors who make or spread false news and fake news, do not hesitate to report to the police, this is useful for creating deterrents among the people.
Incorrect information will cause conflict in the community and ultimately the ideals of the success of the 2019 elections that are peaceful and dignified as well as for national unity and for the sustainability of national development towards Advanced Indonesia. Don’t let it happen. The development that is being diligently carried out is currently damaged by unscrupulous individuals who are dying and in power, which undermines people’s optimism.

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