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By: Zakaria )*

The Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI) began to expand by holding a declaration in the regions. Their actions are even more confusing because they can incite people to antipathy towards the government. The effect is, the handling of corona can be hampered because the community does not want to cooperate and violate regulations.

In our last August 18 declaration, KAMI issued 8 demands for the government. Indeed, there are some people who are not sympathetic. However, there are those who are still laymen and even provoked, and then lose confidence in the government. All of this because all of KAMI figures claim to want to save Indonesia but can only blaspheme.

In additional regional declarations, KAMI are looking for sympathizers on the grounds of wanting to save Indonesia. Whereas the truth is they are looking for new cadres to blaspheme the government. Declarations in the regions are also feared to become a new corona cluster.

Indeed, KAMI presence does not really have an effect on the political field. But when they continue to demonize the government, it will affect the performance of the covid-19 task force team in dealing with the corona effect. The public will believe that the government is not able to handle the pandemic, and will eventually become lazy to comply with health protocols, because it is useless.

Even though the explosion of Covid-19 patients is the result of decreased public discipline in adhering to health protocols. They are increasingly reluctant to wear masks because they feel the government is not instrumental in dealing with corona. There were also KAMI members who did not wear masks at the declaration. This is sad because they accuse the government but also make mistakes.

KAMI are brainwashing the public in his speech. In the 8 demands, they criticize the government for not running democracy properly. This indirectly accuses the government of being pro-left. Moreover, the President often collaborates with the PRC, which understands politics differently from Indonesia. Even though cooperation has nothing to do with political currents.

The government is being accused of being influenced by their political beliefs. Ordinary people can say that corona is only a conspiracy from Wuhan. If this accusation continues to be echoed on social media, many people will believe it. Because a news that is wrong if broadcast every day, can be heard as the truth. This is fatal because they could be the next corona patient.

Likewise with the corona vaccine. Because it is the result of research by foreign Indonesian scientists, the immunization is actually forbidden. Vaccines are also said to contain pork. Even though the government makes halal vaccines, it is impossible to deceive the people. It all started with KAMI who considered the government to be pro foreign entrepreneurs. Everything that smells foreign is considered disgraceful.

When the government has tried to overcome the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic by providing social assistance, the people who are affected by KAMI babble feel the numbers are lacking. Indeed, the 600,000 rupiah nominal value does not reach the UMK, but it is better than not receiving any assistance at all. Social assistance was also given for up to 4 months.

There were also those who were antipathy to the government and then the social assistance packages containing basic food items were sold again. The handling of corona was disrupted because they left the house to sell rice and did not comply with health protocols. In fact, it could potentially transmit corona. The government has calculated that the rice is given for consumption for a month, so that you don’t often leave the house.

As senior figures, KAMI members should be able to guard their mouths and not just talk. Because the people who watched their speeches could be influenced and turned hostile to the government. As a result, the handling of corona is disrupted, because people feel tired of all health protocols and violate them arbitrarily.

Don’t believe someone’s talk until you prove it. KAMI accusation is very baseless because the government has taken care of the country very well. Instead of saving Indonesia by volunteering at the hospital, they even provoked the people to hate the government.

)* The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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