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Beware of Radical Understanding Targeting Society


By: Edi Jatmiko )*

Like prey, society becomes an easy target for incubating Radicalism. People who are actually easy to provoke are always encouraged to be aware of this radicalism movement.

Judging from the history of the development of radicalism is synonymous with Islam. When in fact, Islam and others have never taught things that are deviant and extremist. Moreover, the great Prophet of the Muslim lord teaches us to be kind to anyone including those who hurt us.

In Indonesia itself has a majority Muslim population. Maybe this is the background of radical understanding to make the Archipelago a target of radicalism and terrorism. In fact, often the perpetrators are Indonesians affiliated with hardliners.

The phenomenon of radicalism among Muslims has been inherent in religious understanding, although the triggers of radicalism can be born from various things, such as economics, politics, social and education, and so forth. The growth of radical Islamic groups, more fertile after the tap of democratization has opened.

In the political order in Indonesia, the problem of Islamic radicalism has increasingly ballooned because its supporters are also increasing. However, these radical movements sometimes have different views and goals, so the patterns vary. There are those who simply fight for the application of Islamic law without the need to establish an “Islamic state”, but there are those who persistently require the establishment of an “Islamic State of the Archipelago”, while others also demand the establishment of an “Islamic Khilafah”.

Even with the pattern of organization also varied, ranging from moral ideological movements such as the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI), Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia and those who tended to military styles such as the Islamic Defenders Front, Laskar Jihad and the Islamic Youth Front of Surakarta. Nevertheless, there seems to be a difference between them, some are inclined to the general conditions of society to link these movements with Islamic radicalism movements that exist in foreign countries.

Radicalism often leads to terrorism, which then becomes a complicated problem for Indonesian Muslims today. These two extreme behaviors have made Islam stamped as a religion of terror and Muslims are considered to love the path of holy violence to spread their religion. Although this assumption is easily countered, but the fact that terrorists in Indonesia are the majority of hard-line Muslims is overwhelmingly overwhelming the psychology of Muslims.

Based on a Survey of Islamic Studies and Peace Institute (LaKIP) with PAI teacher respondents and Sejadebotabek Junior High School students in 2011. The results show that strong radical potential occurs among teachers and students with indications of weak resistance to violence in the name of religion, intolerance, and exclusive attitude. which has an impact on doubts about the ideology of Pancasila.

Meanwhile, BNPT conducted a national survey by empowering the Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT) in 32 Provinces. It aims to determine the real conditions of the community about the potential for radicalism in each region. According to the report, there are at least five unexpected areas, which in fact have the potential to embrace a fairly high level of radicalism.

Furthermore, the Head of BNPT, Komjen Pol Suhardi Alius, explained that, from the results of a survey that had involved at least 9,600 respondents, it looked apprehensive. Moreover, the number that needs to be watched out for is the achievement of the number 58 from the range of 0 to 100. This means that the radical understanding continues to develop along with the advancement of digital information technology that has turned out to have a lot of influence for its users.

As for the solution that must be done to prevent the spread of religious radicalism movements and hard-line Islamic movements, among them is to neutralize those who can trigger becoming senders. Secondly, it weakens the radical ideology propagated by making counter-ideologies that are moderate.

Furthermore, spreading these counter-ideologies to vulnerable groups is the target of radicalization. Fourth, increase supervision of the media which is a means of spreading radicalism. Fifth, understand the social and cultural background that exists in each line of society.

In addition, the application of four national pillars is needed, including, Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Unity in Diversity to the Republic of Indonesia. By planting these four pillars, it is hoped that the community will be able to foster tolerance among religious people which often causes this radical understanding to multiply freely. Not to forget everything can be started from the family and yourself.

)* The author is a social political observer

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