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Beware of Radicalism Poisoning the Young Generation


By: Xeraphine Siwi )*

The danger of radicalism is still a serious threat in Indonesia, because it poisoned the younger generation, became the seeds of the emergence of terrorism to damage the country and destroy all that the fighters of Indonesian independence fought for. Therefore, the spread of radicalism or radicalism must be watched out and resisted for the sake of a safe, peaceful and prosperous Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) for the prosperity of all people.

The Indonesian nation is a large nation consisting of various tribes, religions and races. Since long time ago, unity and unity in the archipelago has been maintained by the existence of Pancasila as the basis of the state. The ideology espoused by Indonesian citizens has proven capable of being the foundation of community and state life based on the Almighty God, Just and Civilized Humanity, Indonesian Unity, Society Led by Wisdom Wisdom in Consultative Representation and Problem Justice for All Indonesians.

To realize the danger of radicalism in society, it is important to understand the meaning of the word ‘radicalism’. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), radicalism is a radical understanding or flow in politics / ideology or streams that want social or political change or renewal, by means of violence or drastic / extreme attitudes in political flow. The word ‘radical’ itself is interpreted as a fundamental or principle / very hard to demand change. In terms of language, radicalism comes from Latin, radix which means “root” (source: id.Wikipedia.org), so that radicalism can be interpreted as understanding that wants drastic social or political change or renewal by using violent or extreme methods. .

Radicalism is not directed at a particular religion because radicalism does not recognize religion, but in the name of religion, it becomes a medium for radical groups to spread their understanding. Especially now, in this increasingly global age and increasingly advanced technology, radical groups can easily infiltrate by utilizing the sophistication of the internet and trying to lure the public, especially young people who are very closely connected with social media. As active users of social media, young people are very vulnerable to being the target of radical narrative propaganda.

Intelligence analyst and theoristism, Stanislaus Riyanta argues, the internet and social media are very significant causes of the spread of radicalism among young people due to the content of free radicalism that is scattered on social media. The trend in recruiting radicalism has also shifted.

Unlike the previous Al Qaeda terrorist groups that recruited people face to face, now the recruitment is done through social media. Recruiters throw radicalism content randomly and massively on the internet. If the bait gets a response, then the recruiter responds immediately and invites him to join until radicalism is taught.

This fact was discovered by Stanislaus when interviewing two terrorist perpetrators who were still in their teens. Both actors claimed to be recruited through social media.

The Indonesian government pays special attention to the trend of the spread of radicalism that can threaten the future of the nation and state because radicalism is a concept that wants to replace the country’s ideals and ideals by damaging the way of thinking of the younger generation.

Times can be more advanced, and technology more modern, but, along with these developments, the values ​​of Pancasila must be continuously strengthened and practiced. The original culture of the Indonesian nation which is famous for being polite, tolerant and mutual cooperation should not be eroded by changes in the world, but can be an encouragement for the people to strengthen the kinship and love of the country in the face of changing times.

The Indonesian people should convey more narratives about tolerance or harmony, attitudes of love for the motherland and peace, nationalism and patriotism. Do not let the next generation of young people, exposed to radical understandings that are not in accordance with the principles of nationalism and statehood. Therefore, the people must unite in preventing the emergence of intolerance and counteracting radicalism, for the future of developed countries and for achieving the goals of prosperity and prosperity for all the people of Indonesia.

)* Observer of Social Culture

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