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Beware of the Dangers of Spreading Radical Understanding in the Community


By: Muhammad Yasin) *

The spread of radical ideas originating from within and outside the country is still a serious threat to the country. In addition to threatening Pancasila as a state ideology, radicalism is also able to create national disintegration. The public and the government need to work together to prevent the spread of anti-Pancasila ideology. It is undeniable that the development of information technology has become an effective medium for spreading radical understanding and the concept of khilafah. Both of these understandings for some people have been used as guidelines in his life.

 In fact, for those who know science, religion will not teach anything that is misleading. Various polemics related to this understanding are mixed. Moreover, all aggravated by a variety of content and news that are not all true. Instead of posting positive things, the practitioners of this understanding often provide extreme doctrine and patronize. If faith is not strong it can be directly affected like hypnotized.

Previously, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) explained the question of four criteria for a person or group that had been exposed to radicalism. Head of Sub Directorate for Victim Recovery at BNPT Rudi Widodo said the four criteria are in accordance with Law No. 5 of 2018. Namely, regarding Terrorism Crimes.

Radical criteria according to Law Number 5 Year 2018 are; first, anti-Pancasila, anti-diversity, anti-NKRI, and anti-Constitution 45. Rudi explained why then the radical group preferred certain ideologies over Pancasila. In fact, according to him, Pancasila as the basis of the state had been agreed by all the people of Indonesia and also the nation’s founders. Those who are anti-Pancasila, want to change the Indonesian state into a khilafah country according to the teachings they profess.

Second, they are considered anti with Unity in Diversity in Indonesia. A person or group exposed to radical understanding does not want to make much difference. In fact, the difference is to enrich opinions and input. They seemed to think this difference was not in line with what they believed.
The third is anti-NKRI. According to him, those who are anti-NKRI want to establish a unitary state of the Islamic republic, in fact Indonesia consists of various tribes and religions. So that the application of the Khilafah is not the right thing.

And the last is anti-law. That the existing laws are made by humans, the Basic Law must be replaced with or in accordance with the laws of the Koran. Rudi added that the characteristics of people who are exposed to radical understanding cannot only be seen from the way they are dressed and appearance.
Meanwhile, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin stated that the role of the legal apparatus was crucial in preventing the understanding of radicalism that was circulating among the people.

In line with Rudi’s statement, Ma’ruf stressed the danger of radical understanding not on how to dress. More than that to watch out for is about the ideas and ideologies of radical groups. He expressed that the problem lately, is about the concept of a Khilafah state. For him the khilafah system remains Islamic, but it violates national agreements.

Not rejected, but rejected (in Indonesia). If you are rejected, you cannot enter. Not because Islam (or) is not Islamic, added Ma’ruf. Related to the concept of khilafah, his party considered that the public needs to be straightened out in their understanding. Based on the agreement he said earlier, the national consensus for the birth of Indonesia is to want this country to stand up from various ethnic groups, religions, races and groups.

Likewise in Saudi Arabia, there is a state agreement there, adhering to the royal system, whereas in Indonesia it adheres to the concept of a republic or known as the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Ma’ruf said, the republic is also Islamic in addition to Indonesia, there is also Egypt. In Egypt there are great Al-Azhar scholars. Pakistan is also an Islamic Republic, then Turkey is also the Republic of Turkey, he added. If it becomes a khilafah then it will not be the Homeland again, but the NKKHI. State of the Khilafah Indonesia. Therefore Ma’ruf thinks that this understanding needs to be straightened out. He further stated that our Islam is a kafah Islam.

No doubt changing one’s understanding is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. This is because every individual has different perceptions and understandings. But that does not mean having to give up fighting against radicalism and the spread of the Khilafah. But, we can try from ourselves so as not to be exposed to the dangers of these two understandings. The trick is to plant the four pillars of the State which includes; the ideology of Pancasila, Diversity, the 1945 Constitution and also the Republic of Indonesia. Do not forget to enrich the attitude of tolerance between religious communities, so that it will continue to strengthen unity and integrity, and close any gaps that could threaten the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

) * The author is a social political observer

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