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Build up the Country with Hundreds New Leader

inauguration of the regional head
inauguration of the regional head

By: Ihzwar Riyadi *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – After passing the various series of the local elections (elections) were conducted simultaneously on December 9, 2015, now the new history of Indonesia local leadership was re-created. Precisely on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 yesterday, about 220 county-level pairs for regional/cities head simultaneously inducted anyway. Before that, the President Joko Widodo had been inaugurated 7 pairs of governor and deputy governor. In total, there are as many as 227 new local leaders in Indonesia.

If one spouse of local leaders has at least a breakthrough ideas in the construction area, then there will be at least 227 ideas that will be created since February 17, 2016. With those ideas, during the period 2016 to 2021, Indonesia will has very rapid development. In fact, Indonesia’s achievements in the construction should be able to shake the world for the President Soekarno only takes 10 youths to be able to shake the world.

The head of the region no longer need to wait for “one hundred days of work” to do their obligation, because there is already a wide range of homework which must be completed and there are many things that must be built for the progress of the region. Homeland Minister Tjahjo Kumolo also advised the head of the region to immediately work, communicate with former officials, and coordinate with the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkominda). In addition, the head of the region are also expected to remember their campaign promises and be formulated in the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD).

Nevertheless, we must not forget that the head of the area is an ordinary person elected by the people to lead the region. The head of the region also cannot work alone, so don’t be surprised if there is a new regional head, there will be also revamp the regional work units (SKPD).

Besides they need an assistant from SKPD, mayors/regents in Indonesia also need an active community participations. Because without the community, their policies would have no meaning. In addition, challenges in achieving progress will come and go. One of the challenges is free trade within ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which officially applied since 31 December 2015. Thus, the head of the area and its people must be getting close ranks to face the competition.

So, this is the time for the people to give a maximum support to the governors and the mayors or regents in build up the area because of the support it is a blessing for the head region to do their obligations. Besides that, if we are the losers in the elections, then we must be tolerant to provide support and throw away the intention to perform tackles as there are many greater challenges that must be faced together. [IR]

Congratulations and success leaders!

*) CIDISS Contributor

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