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Citizens’ Literacy Becomes Antibody to Face the Danger of Radicalism Virus in Social Media


By: Tegar Arifudin (Chairperson of Malang’s Regional Publication Literacy Movement )

Technological advancements carry quite complex implications in human life and relations between countries. Since the pattern of communication through cyberspace or the internet, the conventional boundaries that were once adhered to and obeyed by international agreements have become apparent.

With networks that interact with each other in cyberspace now, we often witness a variety of problems and conflicts that can cause disintegration and division. Cyber crime , pornography, or radicalism content that reaches terrorism makes the internet as a medium for its spread.

Now the understanding of radicalism began to use cyberspace or the internet as a vehicle for carrying out various kinds of actions. Acts of terror carried out by radical groups not only attack physically visible targets , but also one’s psychology and mindset . Radical groups utilize various features available on the internet as a tool to carry out various activities with the aim of radicalizing religion.

From a research release by the Brookings Institutute in 2019 it was stated that at least 46,000 Twitter accounts were stated to be linked to ISIS supporters. ISIS accounts have an average of more than 1,000 followers .

Activities cyberterorism by radical groups many activities through the world of cyberspace, such as, cyber recruitment (recruitment through the virtual world) and cyber training (training through the virtual world). They also make cyber operation (operation through the world maya), which conducted a survey of the target and the financing of terrorism in the network. The development of cyberspace internet technology has really been utilized by radical networks to develop and spread radical extremism.                        

The rise of radicalism and terrorism propaganda through cyberspace internet can not be overcome only by using a legal approach. Overcoming the propaganda of radicalism and terrorism through the Maya world of the internet requires the role of all groups, namely by carrying out the literacy of citizens .

Smart social media has become an indispensable expression for citizens in a democracy.

Citizens’ literacy emphasizes one’s ability to think critically and enables that person to make a decision related to the chosen social media program and how to interpret information received through mass media in cyberspace. Citizens’ literacy is an alternative to censorship policies, which are often said to be restrictions on the right to information.

Citizens’ literacy is important as a shield from society in carrying out activities in cyberspace, self-maturity in cyberspace.

With the literacy of citizens makes every human being has the ability to filter or ignore the flood of information flooding in cyberspace which is misleading, with the ability to sort out correct and useful information also makes people more mature in cyberspace, avoiding the negative impacts of cyberspace.

Because of Literacy , we can stay away from radicalism, and get closer to the Holy month to welcome the Idul Fitri victory and contribute to supporting and succeeding government programs through deradicalization efforts by grounding and implementing the Pancasila Values .

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