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Collaborative Work Against Radicalism


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

Radicalism is the absorption of the word radix which in Latin means root, the term often used in the 18th century for supporters of the radical movement.

It turns out that in almost all countries there must be radical movements. This movement is present in various forms and diverse. In Indonesia itself the radicalism movement emerged after the New Order era. Where in the era of democracy, people felt that after the reform was echoed, all people were free to express anything, including radicalism that spread massively.

The emergence of this movement was initially clandestine as was done by the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) group or in the form of a blatant radical movement such as Laskar Jundulloh, MMI, HTI and others.

Guess what is the FPI including radical? Insulting Pancasila, Insulting minorities, then carrying out sweeping wartegs and threatening with the words ‘kill’, ‘hang’ whether this includes radicalism. I don’t know the point is that the sentence is a threat sentence that makes security in Indonesia disturbed.

We cannot deny that democracy in Indonesia almost provides the widest possible place for every citizen to do anything. Democracy that is interpreted and practiced in this country is really far more “wild” when compared to democracy that is applied in neighboring countries, Malaysia for example, this is because the country has an Internal Security Act (ISA), with the law Malaysia can take action against anyone suspected of endangering public life.

The law is the basis of the Malaysian government to detain anyone who is considered dangerous without going through a judicial process first. This law caused some hardline groups to flee to nearby countries such as Indonesia, of course we are still familiar with the names Noordin M Top and Azhari, who were killed by Detachment 88.

We certainly already know how awesome and crazy radical groups such as the Abu Sayyaf and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), they have the heart to threaten, terrorize and kill fellow humans is like a hunter who shoots animals.

ISIS also often disseminates horrible images as a brand of radical movements, one of which is Croatian citizens who are beheaded. This is one way for them to become famous and be more feared.

In addition to doing propaganda for ISIS, something easy and inexpensive. Technological sophistication also plays a role in recruiting members. Not infrequently the propaganda just misled many people to enter unconsciously in the dark alley of radical movements.

To dismiss radical notions, of course, requires the role of various parties, but the most important is from ourselves, namely by studying the religion of scholars who are trusted in religious knowledge.

In this case the scholars must also be fully aware of their responsibility for the people. Where in the hereafter they will be held accountable and will be asked about their knowledge and fatwas.

In addition, Ulama and Umara also play a role in the development of religious understanding in the midst of society. So that all forms of irregularities that occur in understanding religion can be anticipated early.

The thing that is not less important in dismissing the notion of radicalism is by paying attention to the causes that can provoke the rise and development of radicalism.

Prevention and overcoming radicalism needs to be directed and coordinated by involving ulama and umara.

In addition, the family also plays a role in providing a good understanding of religion to their children, the absence of parents to educate religion to their children can make the child then look for his own religious studies, until finally not impossible study that smells of provocation will make him turn into a radicalism.

Large organizations such as NU and Muhammadiyah, should also provide religious knowledge that is easily absorbed by millennials who tend to like something practical, such as 1-minute propaganda videos on social media which tend to be practically simple and easily understood by millennials.

By dismissing the notion of radicalism, of course we have tried to maintain state sovereignty and unity among nations.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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