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Communities Need to Synergize to Prevent Omicron


By: Dodik Prasetyo)*

Corona variant of Omicron has entered Indonesia. The community needs to work together to stem the variant so that it does not spread widely in this country, including by following vaccinations and always obeying Prokes.

It doesn’t feel like we’ve been through a pandemic for almost 2 years. So far, Corona has been mutating more and more, from the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta variants, to the last Omicron. Virus mutations occur because it spreads and gets stronger, so we have to be careful. Don’t become a victim of Corona and end up in a hospital bed, then languish for more than 2 weeks.

In Indonesia, the first Omicron case was found at Wisma Atlet, and the patients were workers there. Spontaneously the place was sealed so the Omicron wouldn’t spread out. It has been predicted by epidemiologists that sooner or later this variant of Corona will enter Indonesia.

People don’t need to panic when the Omicron variant Corona has entered Indonesia. But the government asked them to work together to stem it. The reason is because if you panic, everything can fall apart and even lower your immunity, which is dangerous during a pandemic like this.

The first step to take is to prevent the spread of Omicron. Indeed, the first patient is in Jakarta, but that does not mean there are other patients who have not been caught with the Omicron variant or not. If there is a family member who feels sick but does not recover and is tired, then immediately check with the doctor and then go to the lab for PCR, because it could be a symptom of the Omicron variant of Corona.

The symptoms of the Omicron variant of Corona are indeed different from other variants, namely there is no anosmia, aka the loss of the ability to smell aromas. So that someone could be sick and it turns out to be OTG without him knowing it. If this is the case, then you must self-quarantine with discipline or be treated in an intensive hospital.

While the second step to prevent the spread of Omicron is by vaccination. The reason is because if you have been vaccinated, it can increase the body’s immunity, thus avoiding the risk of death. Moreover, vaccinations are now easier to obtain because the government targets 3 million injections per day (in Indonesia) and the injections are still free.

Do not hesitate to vaccinate because it is safe and there are no serious side effects. Don’t be picky about vaccine brands, because all of them are effective in increasing immunity from Corona.

After the vaccine, it doesn’t mean you can be euphoric and free to take off your mask, because the pandemic period hasn’t ended, and group immunity has not yet been formed. The reason is that only about 50% of Indonesian citizens are vaccinated with doses 1 and 2, while the requirement for the formation of herd immunity is that at least 75% of the population has been vaccinated.

We still have to be disciplined in health protocols. In addition to having to wear a double mask, you also have to be diligent in washing your hands or using hand sanitizer. Keep your distance and avoid crowds, so when going shopping at the market or supermarket, choose a quiet hour like when it just opened. Another alternative is to shop online.

Discipline in implementing health protocols must be done to prevent the spread of the Corona variant of the Omicron, and the community must work together to help government programs. The reason is because if everyone is united against Corona, then Omicron is optimistic that it will not spread massively in Indonesia.

The Omicron variant of Corona is indeed more dangerous because it spreads 5 times faster than other variants, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be eradicated. The community must synergize and support government programs to eradicate Corona. This is done by vaccination and discipline in health protocols.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Institute for Strategic Information Studies (LSIS)

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