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Communities Work Together to Support the Deradicalization Program


By: Andry Jozih )*

RADICALISM and Terrorism are not a matter of who the perpetrators, groups and networks are. However, more than that terrorism is an act that has roots of belief, doctrine and ideology that can attack public awareness. They are the common enemy of all inhabitants of the earth, because all the actions of each terror always cause unrest to the community so that the damage caused becomes complicated.

Terrorism is not a matter of who the perpetrators, groups and networks are. However, more than that terrorism is an act that has roots in beliefs, doctrines and ideologies that can damage people’s mind consciousness. The flourishing of terrorism depends on the land where it can grow and develop. If it lives in arid land, terrorism is difficult to find a place, on the contrary if it lives on fertile land it will quickly develop. The fertile field, according to the former head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Hendropriyono, is a society polluted by extreme fundamentalism or religious radicalism.

Radicalism is an attitude that craves total change and is revolutionary by overturning existing values ​​drastically through violence and extreme actions. There are several characteristics that can be recognized from a radical attitude and understanding. 1) intolerant (do not want to respect the opinions & beliefs of others), 2) fanatics (always feel right themselves; think others are wrong), 3) exclusive (distinguish themselves from Muslims in general) and 4) revolutionary (tend to use violent means to reach the goal).

The foundation of this radicalism is an ideology (ideas or ideas) and understanding that wants to make changes to the social and political order by using violent and fairly extreme methods.

The essence of radicalism is the attitude and actions of a person, group, or certain party that justifies violence in making desired changes. Radical groups generally want these changes in an instant and drastic time that is contrary to the existing social system

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD said that there were two radical notions. One negative understanding, another positive. Counteracting radicalism is actually enough through Pancasila as a view and guide to life in society. Then, the Republic of Indonesia also has Unity in Diversity. Where people want different understandings, ethnicity is not a problem. Because it is indeed diverse, radicalism is not suitable to be applied in Indonesia as in the 1945 Constitution starting from the first article to the last article it has already been described what Indonesian people are like. In Article 29 paragraph 1, it is clear that every citizen is free to embrace and practice his religion. He explained that a good tolerance is respecting the opinions of others. Even if there are differences we need not isolate or act intolerantly towards them. Which, this also includes violations of human rights. Mahfud MD emphasized that all parties act fairly and have a big spirit in responding to differences. Besides that, there is no need to be right by blaming other parties. This is a principle that must continue to be made a commitment among the people. Another point as an effort to counter radicalism is to continue to campaign for the importance of maintaining unity and unity for fellow Indonesian citizens.

Nowadays radicalism seeks to master social media. The mastery of radicalism has reached more than 50% on social media. Because, the digital realm is used to incorporate the understanding of radicalism into the community, especially the Indonesian people. Head of Public Information Development and Communication and Information of Bali Province Mr. IBK Ludra states that acts of terrorism need not be feared, but must be dealt with intelligently. Now, radicalism is so strong in entering the digital realm. Many posts on social media are trying to divide the nation. In fact, the understanding of radicalism is very dangerous for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. Crimes in cyberspace (cyber crime) have preyed on many victims. The spread of radicalism tries to tear the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia through cyberspace. The police have taken action in cyber space. Where, radicalism activities have been recorded through: 1) Facebook and Twitter; 2) 206 radicalism websites; 2) 22 TV and radio channels; and 4) Messenger Apps.

The police have also cracked down on any party whether from the civil group or the police themselves who are indicated or exposed to radicalism. Or, parties who try to divide the nation with posts on social media that are disturbing the public. Through digital traces, radicalism tries to spread propaganda and recruitment. A good filter is needed so that people are not easily exposed to radicalism. Because radicalism is increasingly sophisticated in the digital sphere.

Radicalism itself is also motivated by a number of factors. Among other things, political, economic, social, education including psychological factors. This social factor is usually the most influential, because humans themselves are in a heterogeneous environment and are associated with many people. In addition, social factors are also closely related to economic factors. Most weak economy class people in general have a narrow mind. So that this is so easy to believe in elements of radical understanding because it is considered to be able to provide solutions to life. However, sadly this will be used by the deviant organization for recruitment.

Nevertheless, efforts are needed in a multisectoral manner to counter radicalism and the whole community is still being advised to remain vigilant about the possibility of spreading this understanding which is quite disturbing. Synergy The government and other stakeholders will ward off all types of radicalism in the community. Therefore, any complaints should be able to think carefully. In view of the current era, many left-leaning elements are scattered everywhere. In fact, the movement is considered quite threatening life in society. Damaging the social order of the state as well as other systems. C’mon, join hands to ward off radicalism! Stop radicalism and intolerance right now! Let’s fight them together.

)* The author is a social political observer

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