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Community Supports Blocking of FPI Accounts


By: Firza Ahmad) *
After FPI is dissolved, the account will be automatically blocked. His former administrators immediately became emotional, but the government was persistent in freezing him. They can no longer do anything, because their financial resources are closed, so they fail to get back up.
The dissolution of FPI has a domino effect in the financial realm. PPATK Public Relations Head M Natsir Pongah stated that there were 59 accounts belonging to them and their affiliates, which were frozen by the government. After that, there is still further investigation as to whether there is an account in the name of a person that supplies funds to the organization. When you meet them, they are automatically blocked.
The blocking of FPI accounts totaling hundreds of millions of rupiah is in accordance with the procedure, because there is already a legal umbrella, namely a joint decree of the minister and the head of the institution. FPI is prohibited from operating in Indonesia, and its accounts have been frozen. Because if not, they could carry out activities with the guerrilla system and make the community more disturbed.
The suspension of FPI accounts by PPATK (Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center) in accordance with Article 40 paragraph 3 of Prepres number 50 of 2011. PPATK has the right to ask financial service providers to temporarily suspend all or part of transactions that are known or suspected to be the result of criminal acts. So that the FPI is so helpless and can’t protest anymore in the name of the law.
Former FPI officials, especially Munarman, auto protested against this decision. They immediately started playing the victim and pretended they were being persecuted. However, people already know this mode by heart, and don’t trust them. Because they can only boast and blame the government, but always make trouble.
It was strange when former FPI officials accused the government of taking their money. Because the 59 accounts were only frozen temporarily, not forever. Later when the time is right, it can be opened again. But now their activities are still being stopped, in order to maintain peace in Indonesia.
Then Munaman explained that in the account there was a contribution from the community for the FPI laskar. It is strange, because the money should have been given directly to the laskar family. But instead it is allowed to settle in the account, will there be abuse? The community became increasingly suspicious of them.
Freezing FPI accounts is in accordance with the law, and no one should defend them. Because if their activities are not stopped, they can get back up. The proof is, when the FPI was dissolved by the government, they created the neo FPI, aka the united front. Just change the title but the abbreviation is the same.
This new organization remains illegal, because they deliberately did not register it with the Ministry. So freezing FPI accounts is a concrete step so that the money is not used for the new mass organization. Because even though the name has changed, the life of the organization is the same, it remains intolerant and radical.
The public welcomed the freezing of FPI accounts, because they were tired of the mass organizations’ arbitrary actions. They deliberately violated the physical distancing health protocol, but when put in order, they became angry, saying they had already paid a fine of 50 million rupiah. This bad deed could be imitated by society, so it must be stopped.
In addition, FPI is very intolerant and does not recognize that Indonesia is a Pancasila country. They do not agree with the principle of diversity in unity, because they do not respect differences. However, it imposes its will to make a khilafiyah state, which contrasts with the basis of the state and the 1945 Constitution.
The freezing of FPI accounts distracted them because without money, no more activities were carried out. They have no action and can only protest against PPATK’s actions. However, the PPATK is unwavering and remains steadfast in stopping the activities of the 59 FPI accounts, because there is already a legal umbrella.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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