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Condemning the KKSB Papua’s Vile Action Ahead of Christmas 2019


By: Abner Wanggai) *

Armed Separatist Criminal Group (KKB) (OPM) is acting up again. On Saturday (12/21/2019) KKSB led by Egianus Kogoya again killed a Nduga native named Hendrik Lokbere who was passing by. All parties condemned the heinous act and asked the Government to act decisively against the troublemakers in Papua. KKSB cruelty seems not over. The latest news is that they have asked for sacrifice. As many as three civilians died as a result of KKSB shots after the attack and killing of a TNI post in the Kenyam District area, Kab. Nduga.

Nduga, as we know, is the basis of groups like KKSB d in Papua. From the series of events that have occurred in the region, it is not surprising then that President Joko Widodo said Nduga was a “red area.” Adriana Elisabeth, as the former Head of the LIPI Political Research Center who has been studying Papua since 2004, said the red area was the name for an area where there were many pro-independence fighters. Namely, there are 7 districts exactly, and Nduga is just one example.
Previously, a Team consisting of joint TNI-Polri personnel conducted an investigation into the deaths of civilians who were victims of the KKSB. Endrik Lokbere is one of the names of victims who died as a result of the KKSB gunshot wound of Egianus Kogoya, precisely in the Kali Kote area, Krepkuri District, Kab. Nduga. Endrik Lokbere who works as a Strada Wamena Nduga driver is an ordinary civilian.

The incident began when a group of 4 trucks from the Nduga Regional Government Office passed through the Kali Kote area and were shot by the KKSB group Egianus Kogoya for no apparent reason. In fact, Christmas Day is in sight, so the shooting of the community is an inhuman act. It is still hard to remember if this left-leaning group openly rejects the development of existing infrastructure in Papua. Whereas Nduga is a region that has minimal access and is often rainy lately. Based on BPS data for 2011, the area is 12,941 square kilometers. This region has around 19 times the area of ​​DKI Jakarta, which is the center of Indonesian business and politics.

The KKSB is determined to carry out attacks including the workers. Unmitigated they bombard workers with gunfire, and some use arrows. At that time, after the attack, Jokowi sent back a joint military and police apparatus to comb the area. About 169 combined personnel and 1 company (around 100 personnel) from Infantry Battalion 751 / Sentani were added to the conflict area, Nduga. Based on police statement, at least 25 people from Trans Papua from PT Istaka Karya. Ie, 19 people were declared dead, 4 people survived, and 2 others have not known their fate.

The bloody events that often covered the Nduga region were not only experienced by civilians. However, there are also many from the security forces such as the TNI and the National Police. As if he didn’t want anyone to interfere with their struggle, anyone would be swept aside. If examined, every conflict that occurs in Nduga always shows the name Egianus Kogoya. TNI and Polri officials named Egianus Kogoya as the leader of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) in the Nduga region. He is considered as the most influential figure in the actions carried out by this KKSB

According to XVII / Cenderawasih Deputy Chief of Information Kodam (Wakapendam) Kodam Information Deputy Dax Sianturi said, if Egianus Kogoya was an OPM leader who had previously been affiliated with the OPM leader Goliath Tabuni in Puncak Jaya District.
During armed clashes with OPM, it was difficult for TNI troops to ascertain Egianus’ whereabouts. Because, KKB members always hide in the forest. Not only that, Egianus Kogoya’s existence was difficult to ascertain because they were skilled at moving places.

However, it is certain that every shooting or attack in the Nduga region was carried out by a separatist group led by Egianus Kogoya. This group is considered to prioritize political ideas that cross with the government. Namely, the Egianus group refused to recognize the Indonesian government.

This KKSB should be dealt with even more decisively. Given, they have many victims for their interests. It is quite possible this as a KKSB strategy to continue to pressure the Homeland to want to obey his wishes. So, in this case the government must continue to try to prioritize the problem of conflict in Papua so that it quickly subsides. Including the capture of the leader Egianus Kogoya.

) * The writer is a social political observer living in Yogyakarta

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