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Counteract Radicalism and Hoaks, Payakumbuh Police precipitates Religious Service


By: Reza Setiawan

Payakumbuh Police, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has its own way to be closer to the community in its jurisdiction. One of them is by conducting a Bakti Religi program which is held every Saturday by cleaning places of worship such as mosques and churches.

Payakumbuh Police Chief AKBP Endrastiawan said, besides that, he delivered socialization related to programs that were going and going on. Religious devotion can also counteract negative things, such as fighting against the dangers of radicalism and warding off hoaxes in the community.

According to him, religious service does not merely clean the house of worship, but also shows that the police are present in the community. That way citizens can report something that happened in their environment, including notifying suspicious activities. This is where the role of police binmas is maximized.

Invisible Binmas Polres Payakumbuh AKP Hikmah added, activities taking place in the form of meetings with traditional leaders, religious leaders, and the community were very much needed, in addition to intensive socialization to schools.

When the anti-hoax socialization in SMA PGRI Payakumbuh, He said, in this activity there was a dialogue room, not a monologue.

For the jurisdiction in Payakumbuh, he said, no threat of radicalism was found. This is thanks to the active participation of the police and the community in counteracting the notion. He said, even if there were small cases such as disclosure of marijuana and theft.The devotion of religion as done by Payakumbuh Police can counteract negative things such as fighting the dangers of radicalism and warding off hoaxes so that understanding radicalism can be prevented among the public. And even then it needs community participation in preventing radicalism.

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