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Create Arut River be likes Thames River of England

Arut River
Arut River

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Surprised news from regional government of Kotawaringin barat, they will change the condition of Arut River which placed in the middle of Pangkalan Bun be like Thames River in England.

Arut River is river in Kota that called “Kota Manis/sweet city” and lived by people of Pangkalan Bun. Besides that, Arut river also use as of many activities of people and also mode of water transportation.

The condition of Arut River in along of side it which full of footbridge made of Ulin wood. Arut River supposed be tourism destination besides as mode of transportation.

As plan, wood footbridge will replaced by concrete way with length 4,8 Km and width 18 m with pile slab construction (drawbridge). Then, amount of all building in both side river from Korindo till Arut river bridge reach length 9,6 km and width 9,6 m.

Temporary official of secretary of Public work Kotawaringin Barat, Erdy Setiawan like quote in Borneo News, Thursday (11/6/2015) said that government has planned to reconstruction of Arut river condition since long time ago.

Erdy Setiawan said they will built step by step in side of Arut river by concrete and pour concrete above footbridge, then will more beautiful.

“We will manage Arut River more beautiful. Footbridge from Ulin will replace be concrete without condemn of people home’s in side of river. Useful of new side of river will be tourism destination. Besides of main function of transportation mode,” said Erdy.

Erdy said that he ever heard conversation of tourist from India who rowing river of Arut. After the building is done, the area of Arut will become interest destination till foreign tourist.

He continued old Thames River in England like Arut that have not neat yet and dirty. “They told about Thames River, be like of Arut, after long time manage process, now it become wonderful destination tourism,” said Him.

To make real of the government planning, Erdy said of budgeting, they need about IDR 900 billion. “Now, in environmental analysis process, phasing building,”

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