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Creating a Peaceful Atmosphere in Ramadhan


By: Private Rahmad *

The Holy Month of Ramadan in 2019 coincides with the electoral process. At the end of this crucial political period, various interests and goals that lead to the power of a country become things that continue to be heralded by almost all mass media, especially television channels and print media. This pro-contra and bipolar nuance was also felt in various social media with the endless war of comments. Everyone competes to express opinions in ways that are not all right.

This chaotic political contest will certainly be very boring and tedious, especially for those of you who have no direct political interest. Intervening and feeling important in the post-election period will actually trigger debates and an atmosphere that is not conducive to the environment or others. One thing you need to realize, is that whoever will be a winner, you will return to your daily routine such as work, school, and other daily activities regardless of who is the ruler in the national government.

Election is Momentum

Election is a democratic party that regularly runs every 5 years since entering the Reformation era. While the holy month of Ramadan will always run every year, without any direct relevance to political interests and power. Anyone who will be elected as a representative of the people and representatives of the country, has nothing to do directly with what you have to do as a religious community. Of course, the culture of religion itself is not related to politics itself.

Fasting in the 2019 holy month of Ramadhan becomes a moment of political maturity that is very appropriate. This fasting month the community is invited to not only resist the temptation of hunger and thirst, but also the maturity of holding back emotions especially with issues related to politics. This emotion is not only when feeling offended by an issue or problem, but also related to attitudes and wisdom in accepting news, accepting and respecting differences both in political life and community life.

Maintain harmony

Indonesia is indeed a country with a majority Muslim population, but that does not mean only a Muslim population. There is still a great diversity of religions and beliefs that live in this archipelago. With the basis of Pancasila which guarantees this freedom, of course as a human living in Indonesia this difference is not a problem that must be debated. Religion and trust are the personal relationships of every human being with God or those he believes in.

Community harmony is certainly the thing that should be created in Indonesia. Indonesian people have become accustomed to the diversity of tribes, religions, races and others. You personally are saturated with various issues that are increasingly developing about this diversity, but more are associated with political interests. Debating essential differences is certainly not a wise choice for harmony in social life.

Therefore, reducing political issues by filtering out debates related to human rights is certainly a very wise choice in this holy month of Ramadan. Daily life both in society and work becomes a situation that you will continue to face and there is no direct relationship with these differences.

This electoral situation that creates bipolarity will clearly form strongholds in certain political views. But entering the holy month of Ramadan will be more beneficial if you ignore it. This test of resisting temptation and practicing patience must also be addressed appropriately as religious people.

Wait for Results and Attitudes

A number of national figures such as Kiai Said from PBNU, Abdul Gafur, Chairman of the North Sulawesi MUI, and Wishnu Dewanto, Chair of the Cinta Masjid Community, called for the same vote regarding this 2019 political contestation. The official results of the calculation are the most appropriate and credible results compared to any calculation results, because from the results of the KPU calculation it is certain that it will be used to determine all election-related decisions.

In the month of Ramadan this can be the right tool to suppress lust and anger especially with regard to political results. You certainly realize that this event is a long series that has been regulated by the authorized constitution. While the task of the community has been completed when the general election took place. Of course whatever the outcome, you as a society cannot immediately change the agreed constitution and occur in a long process.

* The author is a Social Media Activist

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