By: Iboy Sandi )*
Jakarta – CIDISS. Indonesia is an archipelago country that has a lot of border areas with other countries. These border areas as the region’s leading nation of Indonesia, is a direct reflection of the country’s sovereignty. So it is good or bad a state border areas directly reflects the ability of a government to manage the country.
Both in terms of the welfare of the people in the border region and in terms of defense and security infrastructure in the region. No messing around, the Indonesian government from year to year give more attention to the border areas of the country, especially the outer islands such as Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, and Papua.
Included in the era of President Joko Widodo with his Nawa Cita. Where any of the contents of the Nawa Cita is build from the suburbs. This means that the construction will be done on each of the areas, such as the building of villages with the Village Fund program that had been spent by the government since 2015 last.
The program will certainly increase development in those areas, even the border areas that in fact there are many area’s status as a village. But not quite get there, especially the local government areas of the border region is the area do not just wait for help from the central government, the creativity to increase local revenue needs to be done. As do the promotions of tourism potential in the border area. The regional government, whose territory included as border areas can promote the attractions and the tourism potential in their respective regions. If no attraction then the local authorities can dig into things or creating unique creations from local culture to attract tourists from outside.
As performed by one of the border areas in Indonesia namely Alor regency, East Nusa Tenggara province. Efforts to increase local income, Alor Regency Alor X Expo held on August 9, 2016 last. Any of these activities Alor regency government immediately get income of Rp. 1.9 billion, not to mention the double effect of the tourism promotion that can bring a lot of investors in the field of tourism in the border region.
With efforts to promote the tourism potential in the region, is expected to generate income that can be utilized for infrastructure development and so forth in the area. Thus, increasing the local revenue expected to provide a dual effect on border area development and welfare of the community there.
)* Jakarta Contributor