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Cultivating Pancasila Values to Dampen Radicalism


By: Agung Suwandaru)*

Radicalism is believed to still be a threat to the nation in the digital era. Therefore, it is necessary to instill Pancasila values ​​that are effective in stemming radicalism.

Since its inception, Indonesia has been based on the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila. Both cannot be replaced with anything and cannot be contested because they are the basis of the state. But unfortunately democracy based on Pancasila will be shifted by the caliphate, and this evil plan is masterminded by radical groups.

The government is serious about eradicating radicalism so that this country avoids destruction. Imagine if a radical group held the reins of government, then Indonesia could be a terrible country like Afghanistan. Moreover, radicalism is not compatible with democracy, because radical groups always impose their opinion and use violence.

Syaifullah Tamliha, a member of Commission I of the DPR RI, stated that the Indonesian people need to have a proper view of diversity so that they are not exposed to radicalism that tends to attack and does not respect diversity. The diversity that exists in the country such as ethnicity, religion, race, culture, language, and skin color is a necessity that must be maintained.

In a sense, diversity will be maintained when everyone understands the values ​​of Pancasila. The reason is because in Pancasila there are principles of social justice and Indonesian unity that will make this country more solid. So that if everything is compact then it will not be affected by radical groups.

Instilling Pancasila values ​​is important because all Indonesian citizens should understand diversity from an early age so that they are mutually tolerant. If all are able to tolerate the feeling then they will live peacefully and compactly. That way, when a member of a radical group comes, he or she will not want to be recruited, because he understands that radical groups always impose their will and do not respect differences.

The way to instill Pancasila values ​​can be started from the closest family. Parents can teach their children from a young age that we live in Indonesia, which has various ethnic groups and languages. With differences, they do not need to be contradicted, but can collaborate so that a beautiful cultural combination emerges.

By getting to know other tribes and cultures, children’s knowledge will increase and they will grow up in a pluralist and not monotonous environment. They understand that differences are beautiful and it doesn’t matter which way is the best, because they are just as good.

If children from the beginning understand that there are many differences in Indonesia but are united in Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, they will stay away from radical groups. Education from the start and from home is important because radical groups are already circulating in cyberspace. So that when children know the dangers of radicalism and understand the value of Pancasila, they will not be easily persuaded by radical groups.

In addition, the planting of Pancasila values ​​is also held in schools. It can be studied in history, religion, and also in the mandate of the ceremonial builder. Students will understand that radicalism is wrong because radical groups and terrorists carry out bombings. Meanwhile, when students understand the value of Pancasila, they will love their country more and have a high sense of tolerance.

The planting of Pancasila values ​​is very important because it can stem the flow of radicalism. If everyone understands the points of Pancasila, they will become tolerant people and do not impose their will. They will not be trapped by radicalism because they understand that understanding is dangerous and intolerant, and often imposes their will. Radicalism is wrong because it can destroy this country.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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