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In every democratic country, the holding of general elections is a celebration that must be carried out in a certain period in order to determine the candidates for state leaders. Over time, the holding of elections has become more open, transparent, competitive, and gained strong legitimacy from the people. Power is truly embodied in the framework of democracy, namely the government of the people, government by people, and government for people.

Therefore, as a “party”, this moment needs to be celebrated with joy. Differences in views and politics are natural, because that is a consequence of democracy. The difference is because political choices need to have a climax, namely when the election process is complete, and the winner has been identified, both legislative and presidential / vice presidential seats, then immediately if there is a small ripple of conflict fire, it must be extinguished immediately.

The problem of Indonesia’s politics in the future is not to seek strong government and a strong president. What needs to be addressed is the establishment of a strong political community that is willing and able to supervise any political leader chosen. Now it’s time to relax nerve muscles, carry out national reconciliation because a few months before experienced political tensions between supporters of presidential and vice-presidential candidates. The winner must not be arrogant and jumawa, the losers can accept without having to have ongoing revenge. Conflict and division should no longer be protracted. Everything must be finished. We must be able to pass this crucial point with self-awareness as citizens who love peace and unity.

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