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Demonstration of Student in Yogyakarta is Orderly and Peaceful


By: Muhammad Akbar )*

Student demonstrations reject a number of revisions to the Act taking place in several cities, including Yogyakarta and Jakarta. In Yogyakarta, thousands of people took to the streets and voiced their aspirations in an orderly and orderly manner without reducing the essence of their demands. In fact, in a viral video, students also greeted the Security Apparatus on duty. This condition contrasts with student anarchist demonstrations in Jakarta which almost always damage public facilities and clash with security forces.

Who does not want the demonstration to run in an orderly, safe and peaceful manner? Of course, all want this to happen, no. Given the demonstration that led to anarchists not only cause harm to society, also the perpetrators of the demonstration itself. Many facts state that the masses who ended their actions with anarchist actions also made themselves victims. In fact, to lose their lives. Such a pity.

Different versions of the Jakarta and Yogyakarta demos. This news became more prominent as the video of the demonstration in Yogyakarta ran smoothly, there was no clash, even the students politely shook hands with the Apkam (Security Apparatus). Also, there are those who do the sungkem respectfully. Even with the Surabaya and Central Java regions also mentioned running demonstrations without chaos, without riots, safe and controlled.

In this regard, the two city leaders in the spotlight. Namely Tri Rismaharini as the Mayor of Surabaya, and Ganjar Pranowo as Governor of Central Java. They get a lot of appreciation and praise. Many people raised questions related to coordinating the demonstrations that were conducive. Even though the voices they used as the basis for conveying these aspirations were classified as the same! Ie, the process of rejection of the RKUHP and the KPK Bill.

This student action video in Yogya was considered quite critical but there was no anarchist element. Let alone the fall of the victims, not even a single conflict they did. This action was increasingly crowded when many reshare videos on various social media accounts such as Facebook. In the video, the masses also expressed their gratitude to the security forces because thanks to the security, the aspirations of the masses were well channeled. Many comments related to conducive demonstrations in the 3 cities, namely Surabaya, Semarang and Yogyakarta.

The interesting thing about this demonstration is the influence of the Governor on the mass of the demonstrators. In Surabaya, for example, it was mentioned that demonstrators were afraid of damaging or even afraid of trampling on city parks because they were reluctant, reluctant to authorize the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini. In Semarang, the condition of the demonstration was also reportedly safe under control, although it had knocked down the fence of the DPRD building, but the Governor took to the streets and met with the masses, calming him so that the demonstration was able to proceed peacefully again.

When compared to Jakarta, in the Yogya region it is considered quite inspiring to many people. Instead of venting strong aspirations with the spirit of a young soul, they actually apply in an orderly law but still aspirational.

Many parties then compared this demonstration. Submitting aspirations with the same demands, but the ending is so different. Judging from the psychological side, the importance of ensuring the orderly demonstration is crucial. The person in charge should be more sensitive to the situation. If the riots occur after the demonstration, it is better not to force the demo to pass the sunset.

Because this time frame has the potential to cause chaos. Logically the oration and activities went smoothly for a full day. But stepping on the evening, when fatigue struck and emotions so easily ignited, the clash with the security forces is inevitable. From this, most of the Jakarta demonstrations ended in chaos.

On the other hand, the importance of coordination with the police (security forces) is also considered to be very important. Considering that the Yogya demo was able to establish mutual respect between the organizers of the demonstration and the Yogyakarta Regional Police. In fact, it was said that members of the Regional Police took part in mingling with the demonstrators. After the mass demonstration shook hands with the authorities, this showed that there was a mutual trust that was so strong between the two.

While in Jakarta, before the demonstration took place, there were narratives circulating on social media which made the security forces’ position as “enemies”. So, what is happening is not a matter of looking for the substance of the demo, but rather there is an ego fight which impacts violence which is unfortunate. Not to mention the damage caused by public facilities, even with how many victims must be given treatment due to clashes.

From the examples above, it should be a region that is famous for the capital of Indonesia, learning from friends in the Yogya region. Because the demonstration, order, issue management and impact to the wider community are also worth thinking about. Although they act as carriers of people’s aspirations, it is still better to control the ego for more conducive security purposes. Let’s reject the anarchist demo, let’s make the action more orderly and dynamic.

)* The author is a social political observer

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