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Disbanding FPI Does Not Mean Anti-Islam


By: Firza Ahmad) *
The disbanding of the FPI made them feel angry and accused the government of being anti-Islamic. However, this attack was repelled by PBNU chairman Marsudi Syuhud. According to him, FPI was disbanded for opposing Pancasila. The public is also happy when the government acts decisively, because these mass organizations always cause trouble and destroy peace in Indonesia.
When FPI was disbanded, they issued new maneuvers to gain public sympathy. The mass organization has raised the issue that the current government is anti-Islamic, because it does not give permission to Islamic-inspired organizations. However, the public does not easily believe the babbling of FPI officials, because they are always playing victims.
Chairman of the PBNU Marsudi Syuhud explained that when FPI was dissolved, it did not mean that the government was automatically anti-Islamic. Due to the fact, there are 80 or so other mass organizations that are also based on Islam, but they are still fine. There are even organizations that were born earlier than FPI, but were not dissolved by the government.
The FPI’s accusation about the government being anti-Islamic was actually predictable, because they always raise the issue of SARA. The goal is to win over the people’s hearts. However, they did not want to be persuaded by FPI, because they already understood the machinations of these Organizations and had always badmouthed the government.
For FPI, whoever the president is, it is considered unsuitable, because they are imposing their will to make a khilafiyah state. Even though it is not in accordance with Indonesian ideology and violates the pan casila. They do not want to respect people with other beliefs, and do not agree with pluralism.
Marsudi added that FPI was dissolved because it did not have a legal position. In that sense, this Ormas has not had a permit since 2019, because its legality was not extended by the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Politics, Law and Security. So that it is automatically considered dissolved, and when holding an event it can be labeled as an illegal mass organization.
The dissolution of FPI was carried out by the government after the issuance of the SKB of Ministries and Institutions, based on the provisions of laws and regulations, on December 30, 2020. The letter was signed by the Coordinating Minister for Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate, National Police Chief General Idham Aziz, Attorney General ST Burhanudin, and BNPT Chairman Boy Rafli Amar.
FPI should not be angry at being disbanded, because Ormas without permission must be put in order. The goal is to make public security more conducive. Therefore, if there is a meeting or any activity that carries the name FPI, the authorities will immediately disband it. Not even the logo could be shown on banners, billboards and clothes.
The community actually felt happy when FPI broke up, because they always messed up. This mass organization is known for its bad habit of conducting sweeping without permission, just before the holidays. FPI members also always inspect from stall to shop during the month of Ramadan, even though it is possible that those who eat there are not fasting because they are menstruating.
In fact, it is the authorities who have the right to carry out sweeps. Their act of being arrogant and committing thuggery, of course makes people avoid it. Why would a sweeping be done if it only ended in chaos? However, when they were reprimanded, they became angry because they felt they were defending the truth. Whereas what happened was the opposite, because they violated the rights of others.
Shouldn’t it be a good organization, they do something else in the month of Ramadan? For example, distributing zakat fitrah and alms, giving takjil and free fast breaking, and other social activities. However, because they insisted on sweeping, the people became increasingly antipathy towards these organizations.
There is a legal basis for the dissolution of FPI because there is a Ministerial and Institutional Decree. They cannot dodge when it is put in order. If there are allegations that the government is anti-Islamic, then it is very wrong, because the proof is that other Islamic organizations have not been dissolved. Society will not be consumed by incitement like this.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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