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Discourse on Postponement of the HIP Bill Discussion


By: Hananta) *

The discourse on the postponement of the discussion of the Pancasila Ideology Bow Draft Bill (RUU HIP) should be appreciated. This step is called a wise effort in order to absorb the aspirations of all components of the nation. In fact, the Government also plans to propose the inclusion of TAP MPRS No. XXV / MPRS / 1996 into the consideration of the HIP Bill if the legislation has reached discussion with the government.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, explained that the HIP Bill was drafted by the DPR and included in the 2020 national legislation program (Prolegnas). At this stage, the government has not yet been involved in talks and has only just accepted the draft law. The president also hasn’t sent a presidential letter (Surpres) to discuss it in the legislation process.

However, Mahfud said that the government had begun to study it carefully and had prepared several views.

The former head of the Constitutional Court stated, if the stages had reached discussions with the government, the government would also propose the inclusion of TAP MPRS Number XXV / MPRS / 1996 in the preamble of the HIP Bill. He said the ban on communism in Indonesia was final because based on TAP MPR No. I of 2003 there was no legal space to amend or revoke TAP MPRS Number XXV / MPRS / 1996.

Previously, Mahfud had also discussed the HIP Bill on a number of retired TNI officers in his office. The retired men expressed their views on the importance of the government to continuously maintain the unity and integrity of Indonesia, as well as to safeguard the sovereignty and ideology of the state.

Retired people involved in the discussion specifically asked about the draft State Ideology Bill (RUU HIP). Related to this, the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security emphasized that the HIP Bill is an initiative of the DPR which is currently conducting discussions related to the list of problem inventory (DIM) by the government.

The government itself, according to Mahfud, is ready to give great attention to this bill. The attitude of the government is of course the same as the attitude of retired TNI soldiers, that is, they will not give space to communism, Marxism, Leninism and radical ideas.

He also ensured that no other institutions, including the MPR, could revoke the Tap. The current MPR does not have the authority to revoke the MPR Tap made in 2003 and before.

He also invited the public to be able to participate in criticizing the contents of the bill in order to truly strengthen Pancasila as the basis of state ideology. For information, the DPR has previously agreed on the HIP Bill as one of the DPR initiative bills which is included in the 2020-2024 national legislation program. Based on the 4th draft material for the 20 April 2020 Committee meeting, the HIP Bill consists of 58 articles.

Mahfud also added that those who could include the MPRS TAP consideration were the DPR as the draft maker of the HIP Bill. The government has not been able to include it because it is only waiting for the DPR. If there is a letter from the DPR, the President will issue a Surpres.

On different occasions, the DPR PPP Faction is pushing for the MPRS TAP to be included in the formulation of the HIP Bill. Everything will still be discussed further after President Jokowi sends a letter to the DPR.

Delaying the discussion of the HIP Bill can of course be done, because discussions related to ideology must of course emphasize the principle of democracy.

PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said that his party agreed if there were additional considerations (considerations) in the HIP Bill which emphasized the prohibition of the ideology of Marxism-communism, capitalism-liberalism, radicalism and forms of khilafahism.

Hasto said that his party heard all the aspirations of the people related to the pros and cons of the Pancasila Ideology Bill. According to him, various public opinions showed a strong awareness of Pancasila. He also believes that the administration of President Jokowi through Mahfud MD will continue to understand the developing situation while promoting dialogue and accommodating aspirations.

On a different occasion, MPR Chair Bambang Soesatyo said that the MPRS TAP issue as a consideration had been settled and that it was still possible to be included during discussions between the DPR and the government.

Responding to this, of course the community needs critical power to not be easily provoked. Because after all PKI did not have the slightest place in Indonesia.

) * The author is a social political observer, living in Jakarta

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