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Dismissing the Issue of Blocking Habib Rizieq


By: Muhammad Zaki )*

The leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq issued a controversial statement ahead of the 21st Reunion. In his video, Habib Rizieq considered the Indonesian Government to ban his return to Indonesia. Aside from being full of irregularities, Habib Rizieq’s statement was considered a “Playing victim” strategy to gain public sympathy, so Reunion 212 could be turned into a movement to repatriate him from Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the issue of banning Habib Rizieq is considered absurd so that it does not need to be ignored.

Lately, there was a lot of news about two mystery letters containing a ban on Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS), which he said was issued by the Indonesian government. In fact, the video showing the letter was instantly viral and became a trending topic. And what happened? The public was busy commenting. Crowded buzz on social media which actually makes this figure as if on the rise. Not HRS if not reap controversial. However, Mahfud MD as the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security has strongly denied the accusation of blocking the form of the letter. The reason is, he and the shelter agency did not publish any letters related to the problem.

This further made HRS lose face, when the statement from the Directorate General of Immigration also stated that it had never issued any letter relating to blocking HRS to return to Indonesia. Before long, the mystery is now revealed. Mahfud MD, claimed to have received a copy of the letter through Habib’s lawyer, Sugito Atmo Pawiro who became pros and cons for a number of parties.

In fact, the letter was not a ban on what the FPI frontman alleged. Instead, a letter from Saudi Arabia’s immigration authorities, which prohibits HRS from traveling from Saudi Arabia for security reasons. This means it’s not HRS business with the Indonesian government, right? Moreover, the contents of the letter did not mention that the ban was from Indonesia. In fact, the new Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security challenged the high priest again to show other evidence if Indonesia forbade him to return home.

Mahfud added, if the government would not coordinate with the Government of Saudi Arabia to assist Rizieq’s return. Because, this is an internal matter with the country’s oil refineries. Although it has been proven that the government does not intervene in this matter, FPI’s high priest’s lawyer is still grunting if the letter is published at the urging of the Republic of Indonesia.

Sugito as HRS lawyer considered that the banning letter he had sent to Mahfud could actually be a reference for the government. The link is to investigate the origin of the letter which he considers remains a mystery. Sugito also expressed his pessimistic attitude towards the government in handling the problems of his clients. He also expressed his disappointment at the response of the Coordinating Minister of Politics and Security which impressed the letter had no fact.

The news related to the ban on HRS is suspected to have arisen due to overstayed fines in Saudi Arabia. Previously he claimed that his visit to Saudi Arabia as the land of his ancestors was a guest of honor. You know how the guest of honor will be treated. Not only premium facilities, but also security will be prioritized. Moreover he is the grandson of the Prophet. It is not impossible that HRS will get various privileges while there.

But, the news of overstaying fines is so surprising How can? He who was lazy then rolled out the issue and cornered the government finally asked the government to “mbayari” all the costs to return to their villages to Indonesia. Irregularities increasingly become when HRS deadlocked. He asked his fans in the archipelago to help him return to the country. Crazy again, loyal supporters are rumored to be raising funds to repatriate the beloved priest.

Seriously, traveling to an oil refinery country as an honored guest, a return fee is requested for donations. Even if the high priest was acting well, surely the government would not be indifferent. Bearing in mind, the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security has also given signs to help him because, HRS has the same rights and obligations as a legitimate Indonesian citizen. However, the reality is always the opposite. HRS is increasingly becoming and accusing Indonesia of pretending not to know of its suffering.

Now that the evidence has been bagged, the reality has been revealed. As stated by MenkoPolhukam, the problem experienced by HRS is purely the problem with the country concerned, namely Saudi Arabia. Because the ban letter was clearly issued by the country. So that Indonesia does not have any interference in it. Yes, if so HRS get ready to bite the fingers!

)* The author is a social political observer

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