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East Java Kiai Forum Declares Supporting to Jokowi – Ma’ruf


By: Adhan Risaldy *

A total of 200 kiai who are members of the United East Java Kiai Forum (FKBJ) declared support for the winning of candidate pair number 01, Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin. The kiai who declared themselves this time came from various regions in East Java. In addition to the declaration, the clerics also gathered to receive debriefing, so that they could immediately move in each Regency / City in East Java.

The 200 kiai who participated in the declaration at one of the hotels in Surabaya, targeted the vote of 18 million votes for Jokowi – Maufuf. Gus Fahrur said, support for Jokowi – Ma’ruf was given because for five years in the lead, Jokowi was considered successful in giving great attention to the pesantren. National Santri Day was also born from Jokowi’s policy.

Development during Jokowi’s leadership was also felt by the Indonesian people, especially in the infrastructure sector. Gus Fahrur also added that Vice Chancellor Joko Widodo, KH Ma’ruf Amin was the best cadre of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and a role model for Nahdliyin residents. In addition, support was given because the Jokowi couple, KH Ma’ruf Amin, was considered to be able to support Jokowi’s leadership to advance the nation and improve the welfare of NU residents and Islamic boarding schools.

After the declaration, technical support for Jokowi will be realized by establishing a winning post in Islamic boarding schools in East Java. Meanwhile, several clerics who attended the declaration included KH Reza Ahmad Zahid, then KH Mas Kholil Nawawi, KH Abdussalam, KH Ali Mustofa and several other kiai. After the declaration was over, he also planned to form teams in each region in East Java. Each region consists of 10 to 15 people. They will move down to gather votes for Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin.

The caretaker of An Nur Bululawang I Islamic Boarding School, Malang explained, previously, that he and hundreds of scholars in East Java had decided to support candidate number 1 vice presidential candidate pair 01. However, at that time there was no container. Then the new container is formed at this time. The pro Jokowi volunteers are expected to work together with all parties, including religious leaders and clerics, to win presidential candidate number 01 in the April 17 presidential election.

Deputy Director of Volunteers of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Jokowi Ma’ruf Amin, Mohammad Yamin, responded to the support for Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin from hundreds of kiai who were members of the East Java Kiai Bersatu Forum. Regarding this matter, Mohammad Yamin appealed to the pro Jokowi volunteers in East Java to work together, to work together, with the kiai and the santri.

According to Yamin, support from the East Java kiai further strengthened the ranks to win Jokowi-Ma’ruf in the province. “In the previous presidential election, Jokowi won in East Java. The victory must be maintained, even the number of votes must be increased, said Yamin.

In East Java, in the 2014 presidential election, the candidate pair Jokowi – Jusuf Kalla was superior with 53.17 percent of the 21,946,401 valid votes. While Prabowo – Hatta received 46.83 percent of the vote. The full support of the kiai and santri in East Java to Jokowi – Mufuf, was marked by the establishment of the National Santri Kiai Network (JKSN). The JKSN is chaired by former Chair of Timses Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Elestianto Dardak. The movement was born in East Java. But later it will expand to several provinces in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, in the composition of the JKSN management, the names of Khofifah and Emil emerged as the Steering Committee. Temporary Position. The Advisory Council was filled by several kiai such as Kiai Asep Syaifudin, KH Ali, Habib Hasan to Hj Masuroh. The team will accompany the East Java Regional Campaign Team (TKD). Not only cooperating with kiai and santri, but his party said that JKSN would gather broad votes on a national scale.

Support came from the East Java Alliance of Kiai and Nyai, who expressed their support for the 2019 Presidential Election contest. In fact, they united the ranks and made joint statements. There are seven points of attitude that are stated together, including asking Allah SWT that Indonesia be given security and prosperity. Secondly, appealing to elements of society in order to maintain the unity and unity of the nation.

Third, always be vigilant and not participate in spreading hoaxes and utterances of hatred that can provoke and divide national unity. Fourth, support and secure leaders who are trustworthy, strong and populist. Fifth, supporting the number 1 presidential and vice presidential candidate pair as a spirit commitment “Derek Kiai to Mati”. Sixth, do the spiritual movement in istiqomah, to win the number 1 partner with full sincerity and always hope for the pleasure of Allah SWT. Seventh, Expect law enforcement officials, to take firm action against the spreaders of hoaxes and utterances of hatred.

Coordinator of the East Java Kiai and Nyai Alliance, Gus Nur Kholis, said that this was an alliance of young kiai and bu nyai in East Java. It has united and is ready to guard Jokowi – Mufuf. And ready to help all out can at least reach 70 percent of the vote. He also added that the network is almost in every district or city. His support for Paslon No. 1 is because the two figures are considered to have works and always work real.

From this support, it seems that Jokowi has indeed given a good impression to the kiai and santri circles, while ma’ruf amin is indeed a highly respected kiai.

* The author is a student at Gunung Jati University, Cirebon

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