Enhanced Cooperation Indonesia-Timor Leste

By : Agus *)
President Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has met Timor Leste Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo to discussed about relation of both countries. On this point, Jokowi emphasized about give a hand in the development of infrastructure in Timor Leste.
He will encourage investment between both countries especially infrastructure. He further said the issue of Indonesia-Timor Leste borders particularly two land borders is expected to be settled at the end of this year. Both countries will discuss the settlement of northern sea borders before the southern sea border.
On the another hand, Timor Leste Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo meanwhile said the two countries had agreed to enhance cooperation in the field of economy, defense, education and culture.
To date, some 400 Indonesian private companies are operating in Timor Leste and 500 Indonesian students are studying in Timor Leste, Rui Maria said. He further lauded Indonesia for its commitment to conduct capacity building in the field of agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure and forestry.
Previously, the Indonesia’s Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya Bakar and Timor Lestes Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva reached agreement about inter-country catchment area management plan (RPDAS).
In 2015, the RPDAS formulation program will be started with the collection of data and information being carried out at DAS Talua, DAS Ekat and DAS Babulu.
Besides cooperation in DAS management, the Timor Leste minister also wished to acquire knowledge about the development of botanical gardens and safari parks from Indonesia.
Indonesia and Timor Leste have agreed to cooperate in the management of catchment areas (DAS) along the two countries border.
The agreement was reached at during a meeting between the Indonesias Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya Bakar and Timor Lestes Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva on Monday.
“The two countries have initiated an inter-country catchment area management plan (RPDAS). At present, there are 10 catchment areas or DAS along the Indonesia-Timor Leste border,” Bakar said.
In 2015, the RPDAS formulation program will be started with the collection of data and information being carried out at DAS Talua, DAS Ekat and DAS Babulu.
Minister Bakar said some of the DAS had an upstream in Indonesia and a downstream in Timor Leste and vice versa.
*) The Author is Brunei Contributor