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Enthusiasm Ahead of the Inauguration, the PYCH Building is Considered Able to Advance the Young Generation of Papua


By : Rebecca Marian )*

Much enthusiasm and appreciation flowed from various parties regarding the construction of the PYCH Building, even ahead of the inauguration of the infrastructure which will be carried out by President Jokowi. The young Papuans consider that this facility is clearly capable of advancing the young generation of Cenderawasih Earth. 

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General (Ditjen) Cipta Karya supports the construction of a Papua Youth Creative Hub. President Jokowi said the development of the Papua Youth Creative Hub was a follow-up to President Jokowi’s meeting with Papuan youths at the State Palace in September 2019. Furthermore, the central government supports the development of creativity centers to provide more space for Papuan and West Papuan youth/girls in the development of technology, innovation and local Papuan products.

According to President Jokowi, there are indeed a lot of excellent talent with excellent talent in Papua and West Papua, even in various fields such as science, arts and culture to many kinds of sports. Then it remains only to be the task of the Government of Indonesia and all other elements of the nation to be able to continue to prepare how to manage these talents including arranging them, which is the role of PYCH later. PUPR Ministry

The President hopes that the Papua Youth Creative Hub can become a driving force, can become a center for the development of young talents in the Land of Papua as well as a center for the creativity of young Papuans in strengthening a good ecosystem of innovation and technology.

When all of these efforts, namely development up to the establishment of the Papua Youth Creative Hub institution, are ready, he then hopes that they can be put to good use as soon as possible to develop human resources (HR) in the Land of Papua.

Ahead of the inauguration of the PYCH Building which will be carried out directly by President Jokowi, then the Papuan Inspiring Youth (PMI) are making a lot of preparations, one of which is holding a photography workshop for young Papuans. Related to this, PMI Creative Industry Project Manager, Aksamina Woisiri said that the participants were trained with professional photographers, namely Alfintolfer. 

Alfintolfer himself admitted that he was very happy because he could be given the opportunity to be a guest speaker, especially when he saw how high the enthusiasm of young people in Papua was when they attended the workshop. He hopes that all the material that has been presented can be implemented immediately, so that the participants are able to photograph the beauty of the Land of Papua and can also promote it. 

It is undeniable that indeed Papua has wealth from many sides, including in terms of wealth of natural resources (SDA), ethnicity, clothing, language and so on. So that when these young people can seriously study photography, it is not impossible that the promotion of Papua will be even more attractive and also be able to improve the welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth. 

This photography workshop is one of the many pre-events held by PMI ahead of the inauguration of the PYCH Building by President Jokowi. The Inspirational Young Papuans then expressed their gratitude to President Jokowi and to the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Gen. Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan for all the support that has been given to PMI. 

So that with this full support PMI is able to realize all of their work programs, including filling in and utilizing the PYCH Building. For information, the building will indeed be used and utilized by PMI in carrying out their work program, which will collaborate, develop themselves and be able to continue to be the motor for the development of young human resources in the Land of Papua. 

Meanwhile, young people who are members of the Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) are preparing their best performances for the inauguration of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building. The performances prepared by PMI included Paskibra and shouts of expressions of nationalism and love for the country. This opportunity is also an Event Organizer (EO) training ground for PMI management and members.

One of the Paskibraka members, Eliesher, welcomed the inauguration of the PYCH building which will be a means of developing the creativity and knowledge of young Papuans. He welcomed the idea from the Head of BIN to build the PYCH Building and admitted that this was very capable of advancing the Land of Papua. He also hopes that in the future Papua will have more and more competitiveness. 

In order to be able to advance young Papuan human resources, the Government together with BIN then carried out the construction of the PYCH Building, which before its inauguration by President Jokowi received a lot of support, enthusiasm and enormous appreciation from various parties. Of course, the existence of this infrastructure will also be able to improve the welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth. 

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta 

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