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Enthusiasm of the Communities Welcomes the Inauguration of President and the Vice President


By: Dandy Rahmat )*

The inauguration of the elected President and Vice President for the period 2019-2024 is nearing perfect. Various responses to the enthusiasm of this excitement began to emerge. Adds a lively procession to the long-awaited state agenda.

The excitement before the inauguration seems to have begun to shine. Various news of enthusiasm to welcome the state procession is felt to be ready to be released on 20 October. Not only the supporting elements of Jokowi-Ma’ruf, but from all walks of life also showed a surge of excitement ahead of this event. Including, from the West Java MUI Forum.

West Java Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) appealed to the public to welcome the inauguration procession with joy and cheerfulness. The appeal was also expressed by the Secretary of West Java MUI, namely Rafani Akhyar. Rafani invited the community to maintain the security and conducivity of the area so that when the inauguration will be able to proceed as desired. He also prayed that the President and Vice President would be able to run the wheels of government well for the public interest.

The elected couple, the plan will be inaugurated in the DPR-MPR Building. It is estimated that up to tens of thousands of security officers, both the National Police and the Indonesian National Armed Forces, will be involved in maintaining the procession. Because, many parties are worried about the potential for demonstrations when the inauguration of the President-Vice President takes place. The National Police strictly prohibited the demonstration both ahead of the inauguration procession on 20 October.

A similar call was made by the High Priest Istiqlal who invited the public to welcome the state agenda. KH Nasaruddin, as the High Imam of the Istiqlal Umar Mosque, invited the public to respond to the inauguration of the president with a sense of excitement and not the opposite. He considers that the five-year procession is a day of happiness because it is the peak of the democratic party.

The election was held in order to choose the best candidate to lead Indonesia. In addition, previously the Indonesian people had channeled their choices with Jokowi and Ma’ruf as President and Vice President. The most important thing now is to just hand over and entrust the government for the next five years. He also considered that the figure of the former mayor of Solo was the best choice of the people. So, we must accept the results of this election. Moreover, the KPU has decided according to the facts and rules in force.

Not to forget, Nasaruddin also reminded the public not to take action to take to the streets during the inauguration of 20 October 2019. He invited to join in praying for the elected leader to be able to complete all the promises that were made to the public. So that Indonesia will win!

Meanwhile, the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) has confirmed that the inauguration of the president and vice president for the 2019-2024 period will be held on Sunday, October 20, 2019, at 14.30 WIB. Different from the previous implementation that was held in the morning. For this period the inauguration time is pushed back into the afternoon. Namely, with consideration for giving citizens the opportunity to worship on Sunday morning. In addition to providing opportunities for people who want to carry out CFD or Car Free Day.

In this regard, a number of surveys of the Political Parameters of Indonesia are reported to show, that the public is so enthusiastic in the inauguration of the president and vice president. In fact, it was stated to have reached around 74.6 percent. Adi Prayitno said when releasing the results of a survey entitled “Jokowi’s Performance Evaluation and Public Expectations in the Second Period”.

He said if the enthusiasm of this community was present for various reasons, among them the majority of the public felt that the election was over. Elections are also not an ideological warfare, so life must return to normal. Furthermore, the public hopes that Jokowi will be able to realize all the promises of the second volume of Nawa Cita optimally. According to the news, Political Parameters conducted this survey with face-to-face interviews. Namely on 5 to 12 October 2019. These results were taken from about 1000 samples of respondents who were reclaimed in 34 Provinces.

The survey was also taken through the stratified multistage random sampling method with a total margin of error of 3.1 percent at a confidence level of up to 95 percent. It is said that this survey was conducted to capture the aspirations of the community. Particularly with regard to the evaluation and expectations of the general public towards Jokowi who would later be appointed President of the second period.

Hopefully this excitement enthusiasm is able to color the procession of the state agenda. So that solemnity and cheerful feelings will cover up to this plenary event. Moreover, there will be state guests who also attended. So there is no reason not to show the expression of happiness that is only held once every five years.

)* The author is a social political observer

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