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FPI is Identical to Violence and Noise


By: Imam Subadi )*

The existence of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) is always synonymous with noise and violence. The negative narrative of the CSOs emerged as there were many vigilantes to provoke demonstrations with far-fetched themes. The government was asked to be firm in responding to this Ormas.

Alumni Association 212 or PA 212 and FPI have held a demonstration in front of the Criminal Investigation Police on Friday 12/12/2019. The demonstration demanded the police to investigate the alleged blasphemy case carried out by Sukmawati Soekarno Putri and Ahmad Muwafiq alias Gus Muwafiq.

The action seemed to fry something that was blasphemous about religion, but it seemed like it was thirsty for existence if it had to take to the streets. Although there is a ‘logic flaw’ in Sukmawati’s statement, of course the accusations of blasphemy against the 1st President of RI’s daughter are exaggerated.

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Young Intellectuals Guntur Romli said, there was a logic flaw in Sukmawati’s statement, where the Prophet Muhammad who lived in the 7th century had something to do with the 20th century where Soekarno lived, it was certainly a wrong question, the error was semstinya corrected.

According to Romli, Sukmawati’s statement was wrong, and it should have been corrected, not reported to the police. The effort to demonstrate by frying Sukmawati’s statement was certainly too much.

Gus Romli also then alluded to related to reporting by Korlabi. He considers Sukmawati’s mistake to be used as a place to maintain the existence of the 212 PA and FPI groups, which are currently quite difficult to find a stage.

The Sukmawati report is of course the same as reminding the reporting of blasphemy on their alleged Rizieq Shihab who is accused of insulting the gods of other religions. Even his leadership group had also confronted the HKBP church congregation who at that time wanted to conduct worship in the Church.

Meanwhile, the young Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) leader Zahrul Azhar Asumta alias Gus Hans, requested that the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) not seek a stage by reporting the preacher Ahmad Muwafiq alias Gus Muwafiq.

Gus Hans considered that CSOs such as FPI were no longer talking about content, but were looking for loopholes to attack people as long as they were close to the State Palace. Hans then replied that FPI should not look for a stage.

Because Gus Muwafiq is often invited to the State Palace, continued Gus Hans, it certainly makes people outside the Palace circle try to find a ‘weak spot’ so that Gus Muwafiq can slip and then it can be used to attack groups in the Palace circle.

Hans also said that FPI and his group were looking for a common enemy to solidify their internal affairs, this they did because their energy was reduced after the joining of the general who was hailed as president, but now instead joined with his former political opponents in one cabinet.

We can guess that FPI is lacking issues, so that any topic can be used as a political tool to test their internal solidarity. Of course we know that yesterday’s reunion seemed to be lacking.

This means that FPI who is demonstrating today indeed needs Issues to be able to attend their sympathizers. But unfortunately the trigger created by FPI is less kicking.

On a different occasion, FPI Amir Hasanudin DPP member reported Muwafiq to the Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Unit, but unfortunately the news was not received because there were missing files, which were related to Javanese translation.

Gus Muwafiq in his speech had mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad was born just ordinary, not shining as described by a number of people so far. Because, if it looks shining, it can be caught by Abraha’s army.

In his lecture in Purwodadi Regency, Central Java mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad SAW when he was a child was permeated by the care of his grandfather, Abdul Mutholip.

If the statement made by Gus Muwafiw is wrong, it is certainly unethical if the statement is reported directly to the police. It’s better if you just report this until there is so much mass mobilization.

We know that FPI mass organizations have recorded history as mass organizations that often carry out riots. As in the peaceful action organized by the National Alliance for Freedom of Religion and Belief (AKKBB).

With the many times present in the demonstration, of course it is impressive that FPI has the latest issue material to later be distributed in public places with only a gadget.

 )* The author is a social political observer

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