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Government Prioritizes Protecting People When Pandemic Covid-19


By: Diah Ismi Kusdianty )*

The Indonesian government has been optimal in tackling the spread of the Corona Virus, long before WHO established the disease as a pandemic. Tightening national borders, improving Health Facilities, to health budget priorities is one of the Government’s strategies in tackling Covid-19. The Government’s rapid movement becomes a mirror that the Government prioritizes people’s protection above all else.

An increase in positive cases of Corona patients in Indonesia continues. To note, the data as of April 6, 2020, recorded the number of positive patients infected with the Corona virus in Indonesia to 2,491 cases. Of these, 209 patients died, while those who had been declared cured reached 192 patients. Especially for patients who died, the majority are those who have a history of other diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and lung and other diseases so that the Corona virus aggravates the immune system of the patient concerned.

President Joko Widodo or Jokowi has given a number of directions related to the Covid-19 outbreak to all ministers, regional heads, and the people of Indonesia. The directive was conveyed by President Jokowi starting from the steps that must be taken by the relevant Ministries and Agencies, the status of the region, the budget, the economy, to the directions for work, school, and worship from home.

This can create trust from the public that the government is ‘present’ and safeguards their interests as the people of Indonesia. The people’s trust in the government can increase the solidarity between them which can be useful in realizing cooperation or collaboration so that the handling of the corona virus will be easier, directed and measurable.

The government has also formed the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Management, which is chaired by the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo. The task force has worked effectively by synergizing national forces, both at the central and regional levels, involving ASN, TNI and POLRI, as well as involving the private sector, social institutions and universities. Besides emphasizing that all governors and regents and mayors to continue to monitor the condition of the area and continue to consult with medical experts in examining the situation and continue to consult with BNPB to determine the status of the region on emergency alert or non-natural disaster response.

To help the Covid-19 case emphasis the Government made a policy taken from the implementation of physical distancing or large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in this case the implementation would be even more stringent. In addition, the government has announced that as part of the social safety net for the grassroots to anticipate the impact of Covid-19, the government is free of electricity costs with 450 VA for the next three months.

Implementation of the PSBB will be accompanied by a number of assistance from the government. A budget of Rp. 75 trillion specifically for health funds, Rp. 110 trillion for social safety nets (SSN), Rp. 70.1 trillion specifically for tax incentives, along with stimulus for people’s business credit (KUR). This budget, including Rp150 trillion, will be allocated to finance national economic recovery programs so that the total budget allocation provided by the government is Rp. 405.1 trillion.

While the implementation of discounts of up to 50 percent for 7 million customers for 900VA subsidized power. This also applies to the procurement of basic food logistics support along with basic needs with a nominal value of Rp. 25 trillion. Which will be distributed evenly and coordinated with stakeholders ..

President Jokowi and the entire cabinet continued to work hard to prepare and guard Indonesia from the spread of Covid-19. By following instructions from the government properly and correctly, the community also participated in efforts to stop the spread of Covid-19, while maintaining a clean and healthy environment and lifestyle. Like, washing hands in running water with soap and reducing contact or physical contact when interacting in public places. The public is also urged to limit unnecessary publications and not to disseminate information that is confusing, lying or hoaxed about the Corona virus that can cause public panic. The Indonesian people must remain calm and not panic by raising awareness so that the spread of Covid-19 can be blocked or even stopped. )* The author is a student of IAIN Kendari

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