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Haze Disaster, Who’s Fault?

Illustration: haze disaster
Illustration: haze disaster

By: Kurnia L*)

Burn seems to have become a culture of Indonesian people in open peatlands. Almost every year also color the earth Indonesian fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan. The impact of smog can not be avoided. Then who is to blame for the spread of smog that have an impact on people’s lives? Is the government negligent in tackling and preventing catastrophic fires that always occurs every year or our society who are not aware of the greater impact from burning peat land? Maxim “no smoke without fire” Smoke suitable describe the disaster that struck Jambi, Riau, South Sumatra and West Kalimantan. This smog appear certainly because of the fires

According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, amount of hotspots decreased compared from last year. However, every month the number of fires increases every month this year. On July 2015 the number of fires there were 48, while in August 2015 rose by 53 points, while in September 2015 has reached 63 to 65 points. Although the number of hotspots less than a year ago but catastrophic smog seems to be more harmful than in previous years.

Many negative impacts caused by forest fires. The haze certainly inhibit and reduce the people activity. And then can impact to citizens economy. And also plenty damage to plants, animals that become sick or die. Even the cost to overcome the interference is large enough smoke covers the purchase of water to extinguish the fire, transportation costs and the cost of extra power outages extinguishing the fire.

The amount of the impact caused by the haze should be an awareness for the actors the burning land. Such impact will certainly be felt by family and their close relatives.  In order to get a big profit, they use methods that inexpensive yet highly detrimental for others. Using the method of open burning of land use is not relevant in this modern era, an era that is also rampant global warming. Better look for other alternatives by using modern technologies or more environmentally friendly manner.

The amount of the impact caused by the haze should be an awareness for the actors the burning land. Such impact will certainly be felt by family and their close relatives.  In order to get a big profit, they use methods that inexpensive yet highly detrimental for others. Using the method of open burning of land use is not relevant in this modern era, an era that is also rampant global warming. Better look for other alternatives by using modern technologies or more eco friendly.

*) the author  is a sosial observer

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