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Head of BNPT and Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque Declaration Reject Radicalism


By: Ahsan Zulfa

Community involvement in the radical countermeasures of terrorism is important in the ranks, including by optimizing the role of religious leaders and scholars. About 500 scholars in Tangerang Regency declared a rejection of all forms of terrorism and radicalism in the Banten Province region.

In addition to rejecting radicalism and terrorism, the religious leaders also stated that they rejected hoaxes, speeches of hatred and politicization and provocation in places of worship. The declaration was arranged in discussion activities with the theme “The Role of Religious Leaders in the context of Early Detection and Prevention of Terrorism and Radicalism”. The Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Pol. Gen. Suhardi Alius and the High Priest of the Istiqlal Mosque Professor Nasarudin Umar attended as speakers of the discussion. In his presentation, Suhardi reminded, that all people have the potential to be influenced by radicalism.

He said, radicalism and terrorism can be affected by anyone, old, young, even children, male or female. For that we must always be vigilant and take care of ourselves and our families.

He continued, the spread of radicalism and terrorism was increasingly massive, especially on social media. According to Suhardi, various content such as writing, images, audio, and audio visuals about terrorism propaganda are scattered on social media. If it is not wise, then the younger generation as access to social media can be affected and enter into the terrorism movement.

Meanwhile, Nasarudin Umar said, radical understanding can arise when there is an absolute truth claim. According to the high priest of the Istiqlal Mosque, there are groups of people who always blame others and never blame themselves.

He said, needed wise people who did not always feel right, so they could carry out preaching politely.

Nasarudin explained, Pancasila and its harmony in it reap world praise. In fact, he compared, there were several countries labeled Islamic countries precisely almost all the time there was a dispute.

He explained, we should be grateful to be Indonesian citizens. Today, Indonesian Muslims are the idols of other countries.

The discussion activity on the prevention of radicalism and terrorism itself received appreciation from many parties, because it fostered awareness as an early detection. The role of religious leaders is very much needed to stem the spread of understanding.

Regent of Tangerang, Ahmad Zaki Iskandar explained, it is the religious leaders who can provide coolness while providing a straightforward understanding.

With the declaration of rejection of all forms of terrorism and radicalism, it is hoped that the ulama can become conditioning and be able to provide direction from a religious, social and life perspective in the community. Religious leaders and scholars who are close and understand the situation of the surrounding conditions have the potential and strategic position in conducting early detection and prevention of radical terrorism.

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