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Health Protocol is Key for the New Normal


By: Ade Hapsari) *

Some time ago, the government has issued a new normal policy in which all community activities return to normal. However, this new normal must be accompanied by public discipline of health protocols as the key to entering new normal.

Government Spokesperson for handling Covid-19, Achmad Yurianto said that until now it has not been known exactly when the vaccine can be made. However, the government will continue to fight against Covid-19. For this reason, productivity must be carried out with new norms.

The government asks the public to make health protocol a culture that is enforced in a disciplined manner when entering new normal times. Continuing to avoid this virus, will adversely affect the country’s economy. For this reason, making peace with Covid-19 is a choice made after several deliberations have passed. The reason is, this outbreak will only end once the vaccine has been found. All humans in various parts of the world are still waiting for the development of vaccine making by experts in order to provide immunity from Covid-19.

The Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Countermeasures Circular Letter Number 6 Year 2020 Regarding the Emergency Situation of Covid-19 Non-Disasters as National Disasters.

This circular letter, which was made on May 27, emphasized that the status of the Covid-19 pandemic emergency remained valid even though the Disaster Specific Emergency Status determined by BNPB ended on May 29, 2020. This state of emergency continues to apply in accordance with Presidential Decree Number 12 Year 2020 Regarding Case Determination Covid-19 Nonalam Disaster as a national disaster.

Chief of the Task Force. Doni Monardo is of the opinion that if BNPB, governors, mayors and regents do not need to each make a decision regarding the status of the Covid-19 disaster emergency situation. Non-natural disaster emergencies automatically apply on a national scale and will end once the President determines the decision regarding the end of the status of national disasters in Presidential Decree No. 12/2020.

The government has instructed that the implementation of the new normal phase be well prepared. President Joko Widodo asked the public to continue to improve discipline in implementing health protocols in living a new normal life in the midst of this pandemic.

New normal has been applied by several countries where the virus transmission curve has decreased. New normal is a scenario where people return to normality, but with the implementation of strict and disciplined health protocols.

New normal that is applied will produce success if the community can comply with some rules set by the government. One of them is by acting disciplined in carrying out health protocols. This is one of the keys to new normal success.

In undergoing this new normal society, people are asked not to be careless and careless. The WHO says that the Covid-19 virus will remain around us for a long time. With the application of health protocols in new normal life, this could prevent the emergence of a potential for the second wave of Covid-19 transmission.

Countries that can be used as a reference for the successful implementation of new normal so far are Vietnam and South Korea. In both countries the conditions of the people are so compliant with rules such as always wearing a mask when outside the home, keeping a distance between one another, and always washing hands with running water and soap.

In living the new normal life, it is expected that the community can work well together and remain disciplined and not forget the recommended protocol for prevention of Covid-19 transmission.

) * The author is a Student of IISIP Jakarta

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