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Higher Education against radicalism and intolerance

Nationality Action Higher Education against radicalism and intolerance held on Nusa Dua Convention Centre, Bali (25-26 September 2017)

Bali – CIDISS. Nationality action of rectors or leader of higher education in Indonesia made many parties shocked. The nationality action is held by Ministry of Research, Technolgy and Higher education. The nationality action is held on Nusa Dua Convention centre, Bali, on 25 – 26 September 2017.

The action attended by more than 3000 thousand of rectors or leader or represent of state and private higher education from all Indonesia. No one suspected, gathered leader of higher education from many fields of study, such as art, law, social, economy, education, health, etc and religion higher education, discussed and resulted on one action.

Nationality action is assumed as the biggest consolidation action of higher education against radicalism and intolerance that ever held in Indonesia. It assumes, not easy to gather thousands people who has title as professor, magister, doctor from many field of study and higher education and unite to one action.

After discussion, resulted, higher education formulated a statement against radicalism and intolerance.

The statement and idea is initiated by 155 leaders of higher education and then state the declaration in front of Indonesian Republic, Joko Widodo.

The action is important to build the nationality in the people. The idea and statement hope to implement by people in daily in order people always realize the important of life that rest on Indonesian Republic, Pancasila, UUD 1945 and Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in one). (CF)

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