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Higher Officers at BUMN Improve Professionalism


By: Hananta )*

Since being appointed minister of BUMN by President Joko Widodo, Erick Thohir has made many breakthroughs. He tried hard to lift many state-owned companies from the brink of bankruptcy. One way to overhaul SOEs is by putting a number of people with the status of General Police and TNI High Officers as commissioners. Many people doubted his decision, but Erick believed that this was needed so that the performance of BUMN companies would be better and more professional.

Erick Thohir is a BUMN minister who is known to be brave for making several decisions that make the public wonder. One of the steps that made people excited was when appointing several people to become commissioners in SOE companies. They have a background not from civilians, but from the military and police. Even his status is a high-ranking TNI officer and police general.

One of the BUMN companies that has commissioners from the military is Pelindo I, namely Achmad Djamaluddin. In fact he served as the chief commissioner. In addition, in another red plate company, PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, the commissioner is Police General Bambang Sunarwibowo. General Bambang is still active as secretary general of the State Intelligence Agency. Another SOE company managed by the apparatus is Bukit Asam, in fact there are 2 commissioners, each from the national police and the TNI. Namely Middle Marshal Andi Pahril Pawi and Inspector General Carlo Brix Tewu.

The people were surprised why the BUMN commissioners must come from the military and the police? Don’t you trust civilians? Will it turn out like in the new order era, where power was seized by the military? Erick Thohir, who was met at the SOE ministry office, explained the reason that there were no more accusations in the community. According to him, not all commissioners came from the police and military circles. The proof is that there are still BUMN commissioners from civil society, such as Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok who was assigned to Pertamina.

The appointment of TNI and Polri generals became commissioners in SOE companies because of organizational needs. So it’s not power sharing. Their appointment is expected to fix the problems that exist in each BUMN company. For example, in a red plate company engaged in mining. Of course there will be conflicts when processing mining land and permits. So the commissioners who are military officers can solve this problem with their firmness.

Aside from being a state-owned mining company, Erick Thohir also placed officials in a red plate insurance company. According to him, the appointment was because now there are many issues around insurance, one of which is premiums that are difficult to withdraw. So it is hoped that the commissioner who is also an apparatus can solve this problem, because he understands the law. The public has come to trust the state-owned insurance company again.

This shows that the appointment of senior police and military officers to become commissioners in SOE companies was due to parsing the problems in it, so it would not be more complicated. The officers also proved to be intelligent and understand the law. In addition, the commissioner certainly has the authority that made him respected by many people. So when there are individuals who try to outsmart one of the BUMN companies, they will be shy and afraid.

The appointment of several police generals and senior TNI officers to be SOE commissioners made by minister Erick Thohir has a reason. They were made commissioners because of their expertise in the field of law, and of course they had experience handling many people. It is hoped that they will be able to resolve the existing problems with the SOE and turn them into profitable red plate companies.

)* The author is a citizen, living in Bogor

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