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Hoax’s Challenges for the Government for Successful Development and Leadership in the Next 5 Years


By: Ilham Maulana Kusumah

In this Era of Globalization along with the use and advancement of Technology and Information which is very rapid this can give birth to a double-edged knife that is, Positive and Negative Impact. Submission of information so quickly that everyone has easily produced information, and information is so fast through several social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or mobile phone messages such as, whatsapp and others that cannot be filtered properly.

Information released either by individuals or business entities through social media and electronics when it has been sent and read by many people can affect the emotions, feelings, thoughts and even actions of a person or group. It is unfortunate if the information submitted is inaccurate information, moreover the information is hoax information with a very provocative title that leads readers and recipients to negative opinions. Negative opinions, slander, spreaders of hatred that are received and attack parties or make people become afraid, threatened and can harm the parties reported so that it can damage the reputation and cause material losses.

Indonesia has entered a new leadership and government era after the holding of general elections in April 2019. As we know, a lot of hoax news is widespread at the time of pre-election and its post-election peak which causes political tension to increase. This certainly invites the pros and cons so as to invite disunity in the Republic of Indonesia.

A big challenge for the Government in facing the impact of increasingly sophisticated technological developments. During this second term of leadership for the next five years, the Government must prepare to counter the hoax news that is spreading. Legislation regarding the spread of hoaxes is regulated in Act Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE).

Hoaks / Hoax (Lying News), they collect the passing in many list of discussion forums / letters through Electronic Posts that are not in accordance with the source (KBBI Edition V). Another example According to Silverman (2015), hoaks are a series of information that is indeed intentionally misled, but “sold” as truth. According to Werme (2016), defining Fake news as false news that contains information that intentionally misleads people and has a specific political agenda. Hoaks are not just misleading, misinformation in fake news also has no factual basis, but is presented as if it were a series of facts , Even though the creator of the fake news knew that the news was fake. One of the most common examples of false reporting is to claim an item or event with a designation that is different from the true item / event. A false report is different from, for example, a magic show; in false reporting, the listener / audience is not aware of being lied to, while in a magic show, the audience actually expects to be cheated (Wikipedia, n.d.).

The solution

Although the leadership wheel continues to change. However, the hoax did not stop. Actually, the spread of false news originates from the development of information technology. However, prevention from spreading false news is unnecessary by limiting telecommunications and information facilities. Spreading false news can be stopped if the mentality of the people who are the object of information technology development behaves wisely in sorting and choosing. For that we will explain How to fight the Hoaks for the Success of Development and Leadership 5 years ahead including:

1. Enforce Legislation, To enforce more legislation on legislation, it must be collided with as much as possible regardless of certain groups so that its application in the community can make a deterrent community.

2. Strengthening Regulations, Actually the two things are the same, so the goal is to make laws and regulations that can revoke problems from the root of the problem and in making them must go through approaches to the community so that there is no misuse at the time of implementation because the implementation of regulations is the subject of the community.

3. Hoax Danger Dissemination, the Government should optimize the Special Budget for this Program, By increasing the anti-hoax seminars on Prevention and Countermeasure of Hoax News with the following examples: 1) Be careful with provocative titles, 2) Pay attention to site addresses, 3 ) Check the source & facts, 4) Check the authenticity of photos, 5) And finally form an Anti-Hoax Group. Using Communicative Language and Speakers in Competency Socialization, the public will be more understanding and interested in listening to seminars / socialization of the dangers of the Hoax.

4. Increasing Community Literacy Numbers, The last is the Government should expand the literacy network by organizing mobile libraries as well as voicing the importance of reading, Forming a Reading Community in Schools and in the Community Environment, and Optimizing the role of libraries such as the cultivation of reading in Schools before the Effectiveness of Learning & Teaching (KBM).

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