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Implementation of the Job Creation Law to Boost Economic Growth


By: Aksa Rahmat) *

Work Copyright Act already d i inaugurated in October 2020 ago. Currently, the implementation of the Job Creation Law is the focus of the government, because the regulations are meant to be implemented. Not just written on paper. It is predicted that the implementation of the Job Creation Law will boost economic growth, because there will be various facilities for entrepreneurs.

2021 is the moment of Indonesia’s awakening, because there is a national vaccination to overcome the corona, and the implementation of the Job Creation Law to overcome the negative effects of corona. During the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia’s economy has indeed collapsed because people’s purchasing power has decreased. The government is ready to deal with this, by promulgating the Job Creation Law.

However, this law would be useless if it was not implemented in society. The implementation of this law is very important, because various regulations will change. One of them is in the investment sector. In the Job Creation Law there is an investment cluster that will facilitate the entry of foreign investors into Indonesia . A. It is hoped that the money from investors will be the capital to boost the economy in Indonesia.

Economist Adrian Panggabean stated that the implementation of the Job Creation Law would encourage economic growth. The prediction is that there will be an increase of 3.9% during 202 1. In that sense, the implementation of the law is very beneficial, because it will improve the financial condition of the country, which had decreased somewhat during the pandemic.

The implementation of the Job Creation Law will encourage economic growth because there are various facilities provided to entrepreneurs. First, it is easy for small businesses to obtain business legality, because licensing becomes risk-based. MSME entrepreneurs are considered to have low risk, so they only need an NIB (business registration number).

With this NIB, they will be considered legal, and can make a CV or UD as a sign that their business is more professional. The clients trust, and their business runs smoothly. Automatically, the profits will also increase and they can rise after being hit by the pandemic. This positive domino effect is expected to occur when the Job Creation Law is in place.

However, Adrian added, economic growth in Indonesia will only occur when the Job Creation Law is supported by other policies that are consistent, comprehensive, and detailed. In that sense, do not until the time this Law is implemented, instead it contradicts other regulations, so that its implementation will fail. So that there needs to be a comprehension between this law and other regulations.

For example, the comprehension carried out by the socialization of the Job Creation Law to various provinces and cities in Indonesia. So that there are no regional regulations or governor regulations that would contradict this law. Governors and mayors are expected to understand and participate in implementing the Job Creation Law in their regions, because this law was made for the welfare of the Indonesian people.

A consistent policy in the Job Creation Law can be carried out by means of coordination between the central government and local governments. So, a mayor must implement this law in his area, and not disobey it. To do so is tantamount to violating the regulations imposed by the central government.

Do not let the regulations in Jakarta and other areas vary, so that it will thwart the implementation of the Job Creation Law. Different regulations will be confusing, and entrepreneurs will be affected negatively. Because they have to conform to different rules. In addition, differences in regulations will trigger extortion by unscrupulous individuals, making it even more confusing.

The implementation of the Job Creation Law must be carried out, both by the central and local governments. They must be compact in implementing it, so that the steps of entrepreneurs in Indonesia will be lighter. If this law is actually implemented, business people will be more enthusiastic about working, because it is supported by government regulations . In effect, the wheels of trade will roll faster and stimulate economic growth in Indonesia.

) * The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Media

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