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Important Lessons from The “Truck Terror” in Nice

Ilustrasi: Teror Truk di Nice
Ilustrasi: Truk Terror in Nice

By: Dede August)*

France became the target of terror again. This time, the horrific tragedy that occurred at the Promenade de Anglais, Nice City, is such an “abnormal”. If the word “terror” is always associated with “bombs” and “weapons “, it’s different in Nice. The perpretator, then was reveal as a French-Tunisian named Mohammed Lahouaiej, using a large truck as the “weapon” to crash into a crowd of hundreds of people. As a result, 84 people were killed while hundreds more getting serious injured.

The “truck horror” tragedy in Nice started around 22:30 at local time. At that time, residents of Nice has just finished enjoying fireworks in celebration of Bastille Day, a day that is celebrated as the beginning of the French revolution. When the citizens of Nice in just dissolve themselves, a truck driven by Mohammed Lahouaiej go fast and crashing them. According to witnesses, the perpetrator drove his truck with a zig-zag so that could hit as many people as possible. After that, Lahouiaej then using his gun and start shooting on the panic people that had been tried to escape. Lahouiaej terror can finally stopped by the French police through a series of shootouts. Lahouiaej himself was killed in the action.

Truck terror that occured in Nice invites widespread concern. Public from almost the whole world denounce that nightmare terror. A number of parties, particularly the French government also pointed out that the world’s top terror group, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is the mastermind behind the terror truck. The accusation was confirmed by ISIS itself. According to a release submitted by ISIS on their various channels, acts of terror in France is the retaliation for the death of Secretary of War Abu Omar al-Shishani that had been killed in an air strikes by the international coalitions, in which France became a member of the coalition.

Regardless from those political motives, there are many important lessons that can be taken by the Indonesian government from the terror that occured in Nice. The “truck terror” in Nice is an act of terror that shocked many people because of its “abnormal methods” that using a truck, something that had never been imagined. Plus, the terror in Nice can be said a “successful” one, so most likely the terror that using a truck as it methods will inspire the other networks in different countries across the world, including Indonesia.

This fact certainly provide a tough challenge for the government. From this day onwards, the government needs to be vigilant against all forms of terror. It is not impossible that there will be another “abnormal methods” that been used by the terror group in Indonesia, just like the terror in Nice. However, government’s efforts are not enough to prevent the occurrence of similar terror. The society also need to raise awareness of the surrounding environment. In addition, the society’s active participation that can playing a role as the eyes and ears for the government is also needed in the fight against all forms of terrorism in Indonesia.

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